Saturday, October 11, 2014

like ripples in a pond

mary jane dodd

small metal pieces - 2014 mjd

we live in a troubled world
we live in a beautiful world
we live in a world where each one of us makes a difference. 

some people do it quietly
some people forcefully
but all do it courageously. 

find your way.

we notice the light most 
when it's dark.

we notice peace most
when there is chaos and unrest.

but each should be constant
however else the conditions might be. 

simple things can carry great impact. 

i try to hone my pieces so that messages 
are clearly stated
and the wearer will feel 'more' for having them.

i have this hope that my physical act of making marks in metal
sends the message out into the ether
like a chant in hammer strikes.

the new addition of scallops 
represents the way things can radiate - 
all those good things we can choose to put
out into the world. 

the shining sterling orbs
are physical representations 
of light and self realization.

peace, love, kindness, compassion, grace
coupled with accountability
abstract in nature,
but ever so real 

and ever so needed now. 


the recipients of the 2014 nobel peace prize were announced yesterday - 
one is the youngest ever. you can read about them and be inspired here

and might i share these words with you
they come from a young holocaust victim - etty hillesm

ultimately we have just one moral duty:
to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves,
more and more peace,
and to reflect it towards others,
and the more peace there is in us,
the more peace there will be in our troubled world.


Kim H. said...

Beautiful components this morning, but more importantly, the message that accompanied them was very moving. Very nicely done.

Maggie Zee said...

The intent behind your work makes it all the more lovely. Thank you for sending beauty and peace out into the world.

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