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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Seasonal Fun

by Staci Louise Smith

It is beginning to feel like fall on the east coast, which happens to be my favorite time of year.  Ever since I was a kid, I have enjoyed the crisp cool that comes on the breeze, the leaves crunching as you walk, and the excitement of getting ready for Halloween (I LOVE to dress up!)
So, I find myself drooling over fall beads, and reaching for fall colors in my own creations. 
Here are a few of my favorites for the season.

 (click picture to go to listing)

 (click picture to go to listing)
AND if you love Halloween and want to have some fall fun, you can sign up here to participate in Diana's (Suburban Girl Studio) Halloween / Day of the Dead Blog hop. 

Details are on her blog.  Only one more day to sign up, so check it out!

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