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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nails & Stitched Hearts

by Kimberly Rogers of NuminosityBeads
Quite a few of us that make components are always on the lookout for ubiquitous elements to use in our pieces. Things that are common to use in an uncommon way.
When I found a trove of rusty old nails on a scavenging foray I wondered how they would work with lampwork.
I had no idea how they would be received but it was some torch play I was looking forward to.

I was pleased with my results and even more please when I saw how someone creative like  fancifuldevices would actually incorporate it into a necklace design!

By the way, fancifuldevices has a new tutorial on setting rough stones with epoxy putty!

Then I experimented with plunging little steel cut nails of the hardware store variety into the hot glass
I call it "Steampunkture"

This chunky piece might be a challenge in a design but I  couldn't resist the allure of the numbered railroad nail that I had found near our desert property in Arizona

"Lampwonk" is another name for this style of beads.

Here is how Pipnmolly has used one of my lampwonk nails in this magnificent piece.

The beadmaking is a little different in how I have to apply the glass as normally I can simply spin a mandrel this is a little less graceful application resulting in a more freeform bead but I enjoy seeing what evolves from my clumsy application of the hot glass.

I discovered this shop on y search for jewelry incorporating nails.
these are the creation of Beardyman in the UK.
These are horseshoe nails

Maybe we can convince him that it would be worthwhile to ship outside of the UK, what do
you say? I'm sure he'd love to hear from you. At least go favorite his shop.

Now here's another favorite component make of mine that uses nails in the most imaginative way.
whimsical, earthy and edgy in turn

I adore her use of the little hardware nails with amazing raku brilliance and creative shapes.

Which is a perfect segue to stitched hearts.
This crusty number by another one of my favorite  ceramic component makers - 

and here's some polymer clay stitchery by the lovely Jana of HappyFishShop

and one of her stitched hearts which looks like a rusted patinated metal bit.

This brings me to our own Staci Louise of SLArtisanAccents who has been making these stitched metal hearts.
Can you see this sort of component being featured in your designs?


  1. What great ideas! I always love something that is different! I'm not shiny, frilly kinda gal..... These are right up my alley! Thanks for sharing all of the unique ideas :o)

  2. Oh these are very cool. I especially love the name 'lampwonk' you've given them - how fun! The numbered nail found here in AZ is super cool and the colors you use with all of these reminds me of the desert itself!

  3. My mind is reeling as I try to imagine using these in one of my designs, very interesting!

  4. Thanks so much for featuring my raku with nails! Great blog post...your glass beads with nails are very cool!!!

  5. absolutely stunning! love your creativity kim.

  6. Kim, these are great!!!! Lampwonk! TOO funny! :) Love then lentil shape on the nail.......think I"ll have to see if that one is on your site..
