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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Creating Rust.

I thought I would take a little break from the Boot Camp and show you a neat thing I found on Pintrest
(have you seen the LMAJ Pintrest board? Its great to see everyone's work all in one spot!)
Anyway I found this cool metal paint that when applied to a surface you can then apply an activator and turn it to rust! Very cool effects. 
The paint is from Modern Masters (I found mine on Amazon. along with the Rust Activator.) 

I got some pretty cool vintage metal pieces from a vendor at Bead and Button and have been wanting to do something cool to them. You don't have to use metal. You can use any surface that the paint will attach to like paper, plastic, or wood etc

So the first thing I did was to clean my metal pieces with 000 steel wool, got some paper towels and an old paint brush.

I painted on the first layer of the iron metal paint and then waited about 1/2 hour and applied a second coat.
I talked to a friend who had used this before and said to be careful when applying the rust activator. I grabbed a pair of plastic gloves and applied the activator and waited 1/2 hour and then applied a second coat. It seem to take a long time so I decided to move it into the sun and it seemed to go faster. 
Now that could have been my imagination but it worked!

 So here are the final pieces! I am going to seal the patina with Renaissance Wax. 
You will have to wait until the next time I post to see what things I am going to make out of them. They will of course have to have special beads made. Stay tuned!




  1. I have also been using metal paints and rust, I would highly recommend using a more hard core sealer. especially for jewelry pieces. something like clear guard or another varnish. It is true rust and needs to be completely sealed off from the air for it to stabilize.

  2. I tried Instant Iron and Instant Rust once too (it was Sophisticated Finishes products from Dick Blick) and it worked like a charm, it was the coolest thing! Love your components, it would be great on wood.

  3. This is a great product. I do like the effects it brings out. Thanks for sharing this

  4. I went to a product workshop at ACE Hardware and they had a similar product in big bottles. You could even make styrofoam look like rust!

  5. I love that stuff! Heat the metal with a heat gun before applying the "rust" coat and it will work even better and faster.

  6. That is so cool! I had never heard about this until now!
