by MaryAnn Carroll
Well........every time Bill fires, I seem to find myself a favorite..... Sometimes, I just like to display them on the shelf over the sink until they sell, other times, I don't want to give them up. This is a keeper. I just fell in love with the little guy as soon as I saw him. The story behind him is that one day, months back, Bill and I went to a house "sale" where they were selling ceramic molds from the 60's. Not quite sure how I felt about the guy who was selling his father's molds from years ago since he was trying to get top dollar for something that they would have to pay to dispose of since there is a VERY limited market out there of people wanting anything like this.

Well... Bill did buy some molds and I did take home some greenware that the guy gave to me for free since it was also 40 years old and it was pretty iffy as to whether or not is would make the ride home. His Dad had been a high school ceramics teacher and died about 40 years ago and his Mom had recently passed. The greenware had been there all these years. I took them since I thought I could fire them and have my grandchildren and nieces glaze them for entertainment.

Anyhow.... Bill took some of these molds and made some crazy little creatures from combining various rabbits, ducks, people, etc. This guy is one of those. And since I'm puzzled as to what to name him I am asking for your help. If you would like to win this sampling of wood-fired beads, how about offering a name to help me decide. I will pick my 10 favorites and then randomly draw from that.

These just came out of the wood-fire kiln yesterday. Wood-firing is not the same as raku. If you would like to learn more about Bill's wood-firing click HERE to keep updated on his blog. For more work by Bill.... (there will be some new listings soon), click HERE to be taken to his Etsy shop.
And.... now for what I had in the wood-firing..... I'll be listing some and keeping some. I am so behind on listing these days and I still have another glaze firing coming up this weekend. My mind is getting a tad bit overloaded. When I reach that point, I just don't know where to begin. With that said and with an overloaded brain that is incapable of coming up with anything catchy to say, here are some gorgeous beads that the pictures are not giving complete justice to.

Thanks for reading......
While I was reading your post, by the second picture I thought of Crachett - the man's kinda crochety & the dogs name is Chett. Bill has a fun imagination & your wood-fired beads are gorgeous!!
I know I can't win, but this is too much fun. Lil' Johnny Songbird and his dog, Gus.
My first thought when I looked at him is Lampwick from Pinocchio and Ben for the dog. Lovely story.
Usala and Mambo.
Named them by complete free association. Not sure if I can win, but heck with beads that beautiful I've got to try! I'd love to see the molds sometime to see what he spliced.
Once I found some one foot high ceramic Smurf molds at a flea market and thought it would be hilarious fun to create an army of Smurfs to set in my front yard one night. I wish I would have bought them! Great sculpture Bill!
Those beads are great! He reminds me of that dawg in the old cartoons and I can't remember the name, but he always went du-huh... so I'll just say Goofy because he makes the same noise.
Don't ask me why but the name that came to mind is Piccolo Pete
Sneaky Sam the Travelin' Man !!
Looks like his dog Moonshine got tired a'walking and had to hitch a ride!!! :)
Good grief what gorgeous beads!!! They just get better and better!!!!!!!!
They remind me of Abner Budd and his dog Dubber from The Old Meadow by George Selden (it's a sequel to Cricket in Times Square.) Although it does look like a mouse wearing a "man" mask:)
Gorgeous beads - especially the blue ones!
Mr. Tibbs and his dog, Gadget.
The wood fired beads are gorgeous! I love the organic quality of them.
Erin S
Well, he immediately reminded me of a Tennessee Hillbilly and his hound. It also reminds me of an old cartoon, Huckleberry Hound!
All that eye candy is just awesome. Love the colors! Thanks so much for such a wonderful giveaway!
Crotchety and Boo.
Don't even ask me why.
Love the colors on the beads. Very rich and have me thinking fall!
Enjoy the day!
Ohhhhh, look at all those pretty beads!
There's already some great suggestions out there for a name. How about Bashful Bill and his hound Tucker.
Wow, neat story.
I lost a contest like this when I was in 6th grade and I am still scarred. I thought I was going to win for sure. Ah..that is for another story. My entry is ...
Jones and Barnaby
best friends
Very cool creation...Mutt and Jeff, not sure which would be which! Really like both your creations and your husbands. What a great team!
Those beads are really gorgeous. How about
Man's Best Friend :)
Ooh, it looks like Mr. Brown and Paddington - -not the bear but the dog:-)
Doc and Charlie
I think they look like Roscoe and Otis. ;)
He's totally an Elmer with his trusty pup Bud!!
How about Rufus and Tiny? Thanks!
Kind of silly, but I kept thinking of a Kangaroo when I saw them. What about Hop and Pop? ;)
Love your beads, VERY much!
It has to be Pogo behind that mask with his buddy Beauregard Bugleboy who is a hound dog. I'm close enough to the fire buring around the Okeefenokee Swamp that my town fills with smoke when the wind blowing to the west.
I hope the kids has fun glazing.
Gotta be LeRoy and Beauregard! Love those beads.
I am so glad you reminded me I thought I all ready posted but here my suggestion "Billy Bob and Beau" Just reminds me of my sweet cousin who is crotchedy on the out side but oh so sweet on the inside!
Crusty and Rusty! Love the blue beads.
Always love seeing your beads..Some great names already! Charlie ..and Chuck...or the other way around:
Chuck and his dog Charlie.
how about mr grumps and chuckles. love your beads!
Checkers Charlie and his hounddog chester. Years ago I read a book about a backwoods guy who played checkers at the general store and told tall tales. They called him "Checkers Charlie". Chester came from a basset hound I knew who loved knawing on the neighbors discarded pizza boxes. He was happy as good be just hanging out with his hound and human buddies.
Hope these names put a smile in your day.
Scrappy Bojangles...just popped into my head :)
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