Hmmmmm? I have been trying to think about what I want to include in my Sunday Post for LMAJ. Since I also post for the Beads-of-Clay on Sundays, I wanted to keep it similiar, yet different. Here is what I've come up with...subject to change depending on how this goes. Today, it didn't go so easy since I'm so indecisive when it comes to creating jewelry. Like many of us who create components, we often start out creating jewelry. I'm working out the kinks right now in terms of doing both! I hope to make one of our extra bedrooms into a studio of sorts. It was being used for storage while my son and his family were between houses. When they came to clear out the very packed room, they discovered that water had gotten in (It is a walkout basemet) through the windows that were at ground level. Needless to say, there is going to be a slight delay with my plan.
I am hoping, however, that once I can get everything spread out, my creativity will start rolling along with only minor bumps in the way rather than having mountains to climb. You know....the ones that always seem to jump in the way right when you think you're sailing smooth....
Today I've come up with some ideas using a half dozen handmade components that I might pull out when trying to design a necklace. Of course, I started out with about 3 dozen choices and then finally narrowed it down with sweat pouring off my face and heart palpatations serving as a 6. Now I'm going to write just a little bit more since that '6' keeps ending up on the next line all alone.....

Soooooo....I've got my materials out....time to design!!
Handmade items listed above from the following shops:
Often times I sit down to create and I end up with totally different components/beads than what I started with (after what seems like hours of putting together, rearranging, taking apart). Sometimes I start to make a necklace and end up making earrings, or vice versa. It can be frustrating at times, but many times I am delighted with the outcome.
Hopefully it will not take long to get your studio in working order. Then you can create to your heart's delight.
Thanks for sharing the links to this lovely assortment of components!
These components have gorgeous colours. Really nice mix!
OMG! These are beautiful, Mary Ann. I hope you post the final results!
I can't wait to see what you create. The colors are yummy. Love all of it.
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