Thursday, October 1, 2015

Evolution and a WILD WILD GIVEAWAY

by Staci Louise Smith

I have been playing with wire again in the studio.  I started making these fun wire chokers last year, but had to take a break because of some shoulder problems.  However, I had lots of great art beads crying to be the focus of a simple necklace again, so I am at it once again.  These looks so amazing on!

They of course started much more simple last year (pictured above- the wire work was not as "much")......

but this year the wire part got to be a bit "more" each time I made them.

Now I am making some metal cages, and wire wrapping around them to create a wire focal of its own, with a pendant being secondary.

I love when my ideas grow and evolve.  I have so much fun taking one of my idea and just letting it grow.  Here are some of my original ones from last year, they started out as going through a donut focal, (which was an evolution from my vertical pendants that go through donuts like this)

and then the wire part grew into being their own focal, no donut involved.

So this is what I have been working on for my next show.  
Since I haven't done a giveaway in FOREVER, I thought it was time.  You can win this necklace below by leaving a comment on this post.  Winner will be picked at random next Thursday.

This is 14g, 16g and 18g copper wire, and a gorgeous pyrite nugget, that the pictures don't do justice to.  it sort of shimmers in the light.  It is adjustable from 15-20"
Value $75

Open to US residents only. 

UPDATE:  International entries welcome, however, you must be willing to pay shipping that is above $3  Please state in your comment you are willing if you are international- thanks!

 Winner will be announced on the blog next Thursday so please check back then. 


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh - I LOVE that blue butterfly one!!

Nova Leigh's said...

I love to see a journey into the artists revolution! These are all so Beautiful I would love to win. Your jewelry is wild and also very wearable! :)

Firefly Design Studio said...

I love everything you make!!!

Unknown said...

How gorgeous! You create beautiful pieces. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
ErinLoves2Run at gmail dot com

Lee Owenby said...

All of these are beautiful. I would love to have one.

Anna Pierson said...

Gorgeous work Staci!

Deb Fortin said...

those are outstanding pieces of art . I so wish I could toss my hat in the ring for the giveaway but ALAS I live in Canada. >sob<

TesoriTrovati said...

Watching the evolution of your artistic endeavors is one of my favorite things. The freeform wire, the use of the negative space for volume, the texture of the cagework, the single stunning focal, all of it is lovely! Thank you for sharing yourself with us! Enjoy the day. Erin

Kathleen Klik said...

Your wire work is really amazing and very eye catching! I am still working on the necklace from your mini class at Bead Fest and am really enjoying exploring new ways of bending and twisting wire, thanks to you. The pieces above are gorgeous, especially the one you are giving away-wow what a prize! Maybe this will be my lucky week. Thanks for inspiring us! :)

Meg said...

This is incredible work! The person who wins this is exceptionally lucky!

stacilouise said...

Deb- I just changed the giveaway to include international IF you are willing to pay shipping that goes above $3. if you are, please comment again, and agree to that and you can enter!!!!!

Unknown said...

Staci-your wire work is as unique as you are!

Erin Fish said...

These are absolutely stunning and the uniqueness of each piece is beautiful. If I was so lucky to win this piece I would be more than willing to pay the postage.
Thank you for such a generous give away!

zelodius said...

Love it your work and style

craftyd said...

Wow, loved seeing your new creations. Would be fun to wear any one of them.

Unknown said...

How beautiful. Your work is amazing.

Unknown said...

Wow beautiful! It's so much fun to grow as an artist!

baymoondesign said...

Thank you for a chance to win your wonderful creations! Well done!!

Susan Marling said...

I love your style and have enjoyed seeing it grow - your pieces are mesmerizing. I liked the originals from last year and I love this new one. Thank you for the chance to win.

Honey from the Bee said...

I love seeing this evolution! I wish I could make myself stick with an idea and just see where it goes like this. Very cool. Maybe I can MAKE myself?!

Anonymous said...

Loved seeing the evolution of your necklace design, Staci. It's a real treat to get a peek into another artist's process. The wrapped cage component is such a versatile piece for your showcase your focals. Love!

Unknown said...

Your work is inspirational & so original. I'm sure you have heard that many times before, but it never hurts to hear it again. Kim Z.

Unknown said...

Your are amazeballs! LOL :)

Unknown said...

Wow, these are amazing!

BayBee said...

Staci - you know I am hooked on all of your pieces.

Nicole Rennell said...

Such a fascinating evolution, I love all these pieces!

Erin S said...

Wow--those are SO COOL. I'm definitely inspired to try something like this myself.

CMS Designs said...

Thank you for sharing your creative process and journey, Staci. Your work is so wonderfully organic and interesting. Love it!

Juliette said...

I love your metalwork, it's just beautiful! Love how you showed the evolution. xo, Juliette

Nikki said...

Simple and beautiful! Great job Staci.

Wendy said...

Great new design!

Bobbie said...

You prove that rustic can be elegant - these are all lovely!

Unknown said...

Beautiful work. Loved the journey it took.

Windbent said...

Your style is always distinctive, even as you evolve and try new things. Thank you for the opportunity. Pyrite is supposed to help overcome inertia and fatigue, to energize and help,with positive thinking. I hope I win!

Chelle said...

Love the design!!! I would so rock it..

Unknown said...

Thanks so much, Staci, for sharing a part of your journey and thanks so much for the wonderful give away. Love your work, it is so organic and real. :-)

Unknown said...

So fun to see the evolution. They are all beautiful, but I super love what it has become. The giveaway necklace is spectacular!

CraftyHope said...

Oh, I just love the evolution of your wire method. The caginess of it is very cool and definitely draws the eye in. Thank you for sharing a bit of your journey with us!

Unknown said...

So happy I found you at the Philly bead show! I love all of your gorgeous pieces. 💟

Kathy S said...

Especially love the textured pieces. Lovely work.
ksukeena at yahoo dot com

Shelley Graham Turner said...

Staci, love! We have to have in the gallery!

Anonymous said...

Especially love the textured pieces. Lovely work.
ksukeena at yahoo dot com

Y said...

I love your metalwork, and I would be very lucky if I have a chance to win the neclace! And, since I live in Sweden: of course I will pay for the shipping ;)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Deb Fortin said...

Thank you Staci for allowing us international folks to join in this giveaway.

I will gladly pay the extra postage if you choose me.

An absolutely stunning piece of wire framework. It brings to mind wire cages that are created for concrete forming reinforcement, in a more feminine way of course. And your other creations are equally beautiful. Your style certainly resonates with me.

I will wear it proudly when I win it. (note the positive affirmation there)

Mary Redman said...

It would be an honor to have a piece of jewelry from you!

Jettabug said...

I absolutely love what you have designed with a wire cat's cradle that embodies the web of life, ever changing! I love all of your designs, especially the open space in the wire work on the beauty you are gifting someone with :)

Unknown said...

how amazing!! just love the necklaces! enjoyed meeting you at beadfest and seeing all your gems up close and personal!!!

Susan Gantz said...

I love to see your wire work evolve. the pieces are unique snd wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Love all the new textures.
ksukeena at yahoo dot com

Jen Hayes said...

So fun to see your evolution process. Each piece is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance at such a generous giveaway and sharing your inspiration!

dundeegirl2 said...

Beautiful work! I would love to win one :)

Lynn said...

Love your work and a great article. Love that butterfly necklace, too! Thanks for the chance to win such a beautiful prize.

Anonymous said...

these are beautiful pieces! Loving the neckrings and they are perfect with the natural stones! Pyrite is such a beautiful stone, anyone would be lucky to win this gorgeous piece! (

Tahnya said...

What a nice giveaway!! My favs are picture #1, #2 (butterfly) and #7!! You get to do what I wish I could do, have my own studio, and quit my day job!! Hats off to you girl! :)

C. Franz said...

Every time I hear from you I see something completely different from other designs. It is a pleasure to be able to see your creativity! Thank you so much for sharing. I'd love to win that necklace!

Unknown said...

I love your work and your blog too! I do live in Canada and for sure would pay the shipping thanks for the opportunity:)

Unknown said...

Your work and your blog are amazing. Thanks for the opportunity. I am from Canada and will for sure pay to ship :)

Unknown said...

I love your work! So inspiring! I wish I had more time to play around. And I love my beads and necklace I have from you. Thanks for doing this giveaway!

Unknown said... first comment did not make it. I love your work! My favorite beads and necklace are from you. I wish I had more time to play around and experiment, but it is not the right season for that in my life. Until I get to, I will just keep admiring and buying your wok when I can. Or win it! Thanks for doing this giveaway!

Klassy Joolz said...

I love seeing your designs...they are always so are so talented! Love the blue moth!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Sharon said...

Exceptional wirework and the stone is yummy, perfect for fall. Thank you for your generous giveaway; hope I'm the lucky gal who wins!

Rising Designs said...

Everything about your jewelry speaks to me and is saying Yes, Yes, Yes!!!

Unknown said...

Aaww, another beautiful piece. I'd love to wear anything you made!

Theresalbush said...

Staci, your work inspires me so. I can hardly wait when I see a new post by you or photos of your work. I would be honored to wear this lovely piece of your work!

Unknown said...

Amazing artistry! Love your unique designs and would love to win and wear this necklace.

CS said...

Love seeing the evolution of your designs. You are an inspiration! I would love to win one of your pieces!

Melissa Kovack said...

You are one of my inspirations - I would LOVE to own a piece of your work!

debvdesigns said...

Beautiful as usual. Great beads and design.
I'm in Canada but have a US address.
I'd ♥ to wear this piece.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work!! Love the designs
Anninusa mail dot com

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