Saturday, February 14, 2015

make with heart

mjd 2015 - offering bowl

as experimenters, we move from technique and medium searching for what fits, for what allows our imaginations, muses, brains and hands to come into harmony (do not read this as without challenge). 

this is good, this search keeps us honest to ourselves. and even when we find 'it', we continue to experiment. instead of throwing out a fisherman's net and trying many things, we narrow down. and narrowing down allows you to start digging. digging deeply so that your heart might sing.  

and this is very good. 


there is nowhere else to go
there is no one else to be

you are home. 

there is no

treasure hunt
to find yourself -
you already are
an inextinguishable light.

learn to be
grow quiet
dig in

right here
right now.

know that all you need
to find inner peace

already exists within you.


on this valentine's day - may you love yourself as much as you are loved. 


Marsha of Marsha Neal Studio said...

I keep trying to hold "you have value" close to my heart. It gets difficult sometimes... Inner love and peace is a good place to find that value <3

Deb Fortin said...

powerful empowering words.
thank you.

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