I am always looking for new ways to display my work at shows, so the last couple of posts about updating and using different materials to show case work really hit a cord with me.
In a few weeks I am heading to Bead and Button to teach and then sell one night at the Meet the Teachers event.
But here is the real truth, breaking down my display as fast as humanly possible is a goal of mine. I always seem to be one of the last ones and it drives me crazy.
I hand wrap each bead in tissue paper and pack them in a fishing tackle box. It works ok (although I have had some damage) but takes FOREVER.
So here is an idea that I thought I would share. I am going to get a big piece of foam and cut it to fit inside a plastic box.
Now I have to find a box without dividers.
Do you have a quick and safe way to transfer your work to shows? I would love to hear.
I have seen bead makers who have used this idea but inside a briefcase. It works great and makes for super quick packing.
That sounds great!!!!!!!!!!! I too am always looking for better ways to set up and tear down. I have it down to on hour to set up, tent, weights tables and everything!!!! only about 1/2 hour to tear down and pack the car. I think your new idea will work great for you!
A thought...you might want to borrow the way pastels are packed. I use the pastel plastic boxes and line them with leftover fruit packing foam from Christmas. It's uber soft, thin and I put a layer on the bottom, just lay my sticks on it and add a layer on top and click it shut. The foam just conforms to the item and expands around the edges keeping things in place. (I got a LOT of foam by asking my dentist at Christmas!) I also use pillow stuffing pads from craft stores that can be easily cut to size and slit with a razor on the outer, more 'firm' part and slip my sticks inside. Again, no breakage or crumbling of the super soft pastels, so might work with your beads?
Depends on if you are flying or driving. Your idea sounds great for flying especially if the beads are in checked luggage. I tend not to have raised bits on my glass beads which I would imagine be at the greatest risk. I only drive to shows, 8 hours of driving time is my limit this year.
What I do for my glass and enamel components is use the stackable black plastic rio grande trays, with a linen padded liner and about a 1/4 inch of foam on top. Then I stack the trays and wedge them in a plastic tub so they don't unstack by themselves. When I get to the show the trays are all ready to put on my table they usually just need a little sorting. There is some jiggling but it has been a great stress test for my enamel, so far no chips.
I just ordered those special bags for the stacked trays from rio, instead if the large tubs, which are heavy.
I do like your idea for more intricate larger focals, maybe you could have thinner foam and make a couple layers of beads.
Looking forward to seeing you at the ISGB conference in Rochester.
Sorry for the long post.
I'm not a bead maker, so this is just an idea! Have you ever seen the boxes that mother boards are shipped in? They are cardboard with a piece of wavy foam (like a foam mattress topper - http://www.walmart.com/ip/La-Z-Boy-BigSleep-3-Convoluted-Foam-Topper/22991618) glued to the top and the bottom. The box is similar to a pizza box, so maybe you could get some pizza boxes and line them with pieces of foam mattress topper? The foam already has the recesses to hold your beads! And the boxes would be light weight and stackable!
Just an idea!!
Love all the great ideas.
I think it's going to be trail and error (hopefully not too much error!)
When I travel I never check my beads. Too worried they may get lost or unpacked and not packed up correctly. Bead and Button will be my testing ground.
What a creative idea! Let me know how it works! Bill made his display as easy as possible to put up and take down. All of the pieces are numbered and link together link Lincoln Logs. He then purchased as "Easy Up" tent (I think that is the name) and it goes up and comes down fairly quickly.....
For my last craft show I put my jewelry in one of these plastic divided boxes that are for beads. It worked perfectly for me and I didn't have any tangling. Guess it depends on whether your jewelry is more chunky or small if it would fit for you.
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