Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Tis the Season

Ever since I was a kid, I have looked forward to making handmade ornaments each Christmas. It's something I didn't outgrow, nor do I think I ever will.  I wish I had pictures of all the ornaments I've made in the past, but alas, they are in a bin somewhere, pre-digital world.
I think my first ornaments were those salt dough ones.  The next year my mom let us paint ceramic ornaments, some of which I still have!  We made God's Eyes out of Popsicle sticks and yarn, and glitter pine cone ornaments galore! 
As I got older, I painted, glued, and beaded ornaments.  I think they got better (I hope).  This year I inherited a large box of stick pins, sequins and Styrofoam balls from my grandmother.  I have lots of beads and bought some ribbon......and we were off on an new ornament adventure.  My friend and her son came over, and we all hit the kitchen table with Christmas Music on, and made very sparkly, bright, crazy balls!

The kids each made like 5- but my friend and I only made one each- that's mine above, you can see why it took me all night!  It's a bit tacky, but it sure is festive!!!!
These are really simple to make.  Take a Styrofoam ball, make a ribbon loop and stick pin it to the ball, and then pin on ribbon, and beads and sequins to your hearts content!!!  I layered the pin, bead, sequin and sometimes another layer of bead sequin.  Easy and fun.  The youngest in our group were a couple 6 year olds, and they did good with the pins (and close adult supervision).  So it was nice everyone could handle it independently.

What I really wanted to say today, is that handmade touches people....and creating with those you love, well, there is just nothing more special.  My kids light up when I say craft time!  They live for it.  It's a way to express themselves, to make things they want, or want to give.......they love to see what others make, and share ideas, and help each other.  Handmade rocks, and I love sharing that experience with my kids. 
What kind of handmade ornaments were your favorite growing up or that you now make with your kids???


Cheri said...

I also have been making hand made ornaments since I was little. I now help mygrandkids make hand made ornaments and Christmas presents. They look forward to that and singing for everyone Christmas Eve.

Artisan Beads Plus said...

I love seeing all of the special things you do with your kids..... What a great Mom!

Barbara said...

I love handmade ornaments!!!! My favorite ornaments from our tree growing up are the handmade ones that were gifts. Now that we're all grown, my mom divided them out to us several years favorites are the felt and beaded ones in the best tacky colors of the 70s. Even our stockings were handmade by a family friend. That same family friend gave me a set of polymer clay ornaments at my wedding...I look forward to hanging them all every year and in fact, I was just looking at patterns and ideas yesterday!

stacilouise said...

Barb- I love the old 70's ornaments too, I think I had them in mind when I made mine! My mom did the same thing, divied up the old ornaments since she doesn't do a tree anymore- they are my most treasured ones!!!!

Cyndi J said...

It's wonderful that you're teaching your kids the joy of making things themselves. And it's more than crafting--it's creating memories, too.

TesoriTrovati said...

Agreed! The handmade ones are the best. I have made ornaments since I was a kid too. I still have a lot of them. Remember those little metal forms that you sprinkled the plastic beads into and then melted in the oven for a stained glass effect? I just hung one on my tree. Loved those. I make an ornament every year for my family and friends (and now I even sell a few in my Etsy shop for others). It is a flurry of making snowman and snowflake and birds and reindeer right now in my workshop! The only thing missing is the elves! Enjoy the day. Erin

Julie Holmes said...

I remember sewing gold and silver lamé stars when I was in High School...crocheting some white snowflakes too..was fun!

Libby Leuchtman said...

My favorite ornaments are the ones my kids make in school. Thanks for the memories.

mairedodd said...

ha! i've made those! :0) salt dough, check... popsicle reindeer with googly eyes, check... beaded candy canes, cabbage patch faces from old stockings, fun fun fun!
so nice you could do that with the kids!
oh and bells from egg cartons -

digifigi said...

My mom and I made styrofoam ball ornaments one year with bits of costumes from the holiday ice show I was skating in. We made two sets, an individual ornament was a gift to each performer, but we kept a complete set. I still have them more than 50 years later. And, yes, I still skate.

Anonymous said...

This is a fun idea! I love doing things with my grandboys and now the great grands. It's harder now to get everyone together but my daughter and I plan at least one day when we get her grandkids and mine together since they are about the same age and we have a "kid's day" this year we are making doggie treats and "melted snowman cookies" Such great fun! AND memories! That's what you are truly making.

stacilouise said...

Love it! I forgot the egg carton bells! We did beaded candy canes mom crochets the snowflakes though, crochet is something my brain just won't cooperate on, and I have been very un-able to pick it up. Happy ornament making everyone!

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