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Friday, May 4, 2012


                                                                                                             by Kelli Pope

 With art shows coming up the next 2 weekends, normally by now, I'd be making jewelry like mad, and have a nice stock built up.    However, since I'm making my own beads, I've been in production mode for 2 weeks.  Producing beads, links, clasps, etc.   Today was a whirlwind around here.  I have bisque fired beads to glaze.....

There are glazed beads waiting to be fired.........

The kiln has been running pretty much around the clock, with batch after batch of beads and pendants.


There's another batch cooling now, and I can't wait to see how they turned out.
Silver, copper and brass have been cut, formed, hammered...... 
...antiqued and sealed. 
Tomorrow begins the creation and assembly.............


  1. WOW!!! I admire you diligence!!! That is tons of preparation. Don't get too busy that you won't be able to take a picture or two. If you think of it.... how about a few show pictures too? Am I asking too much? lol
    I love looking at your kiln results. You are now inspiring me ;o)

  2. Oh My Goodness! That is a lot of hard work there! Looks like you are about ready! I hope you have wonderful shows.

  3. Wow, look at all those goodies!!! As I scrolled down through the post I wondered if your wrists and hands were sore from making all this.

    Best of luck at the show, and yes, please share photos of your finished pieces!

  4. Oh, that plate of color looks like a big platter of yummy fruit - oranges, strawberries, blueberries and kiwi. Beautiful! Now, I'm gonna go make a strawberry smoothie. =)

  5. HA!!! IZZY!!! So glad I could inspire you!!! :) LOL!

    Mary Ann, whatcha think about those lovely bead trees? HAHAHAHA!
    They do tend to warp with firings, don't they?
    I'll try to remember to take pics of the finished pieces as I make them. I'm heading to my sister's this weekend so I can concentrate solely on making jewelry. I'll go pack the camera now!

  6. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed when I think about how much work goes into making everything by hand, but then I get to the stage you're at, creation and assembly, and I remember why. It's the most exciting part! Have fun. :-)

  7. Wow Kelli! It is so great to see a little glimpse of how you do this. I too am excited to see the finished product. You must be tired! Hope you get some R & R after the show's done, and much success to you!
