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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Quiet Making.

by Barbara Bechtel

My voice feels very small lately. I tend to shrink like a wallflower....Much of what I'm making bead and jewelry wise can't be shown right now....and I have to admit to being creatively pulled elsewheres.....

 tiny glimpse into my wall art in the twinkle lights, part of my paint by number collection, and a tiny encaustic by Katie Runnels.
 I love these so much it hurts....They've been stuffed away too they're in pretty garage sale glasses, waiting to be used....missed you, friends......
 My drawing box, going back to it more and more these days......
 Sketching and gouache and watercolors, oh my!
A collage sketch that is going on to better ideas.
the original sketch, a prospective drawing waiting for paint and ink, and bright white sheets below waiting for the final piece....


  1. Love. I miss drawing too. I keep promising myself to sit down and do it and something always gets in the way. I haven't given up though.

  2. Wonderful.... I cannot wait to see where you are going with new work. What a simple, yet visually filled post that says so much without so many words..... :o)

  3. My 10 year old wanted a pencil set. I got him his own set, and gave him some old charcoals, and I really want to sit with him and draw for hours. Maybe when spring comes we will drive and look for scenes to draw.......that used to be my favorite! I think its great when we go back to other art forms, they all influence each other.

  4. beautiful, barbara... quiet moments are necessary... but no one needs to tell you that... interested to see what is born of this time...

  5. I really get a sense of the quietness of this post, but that little sketch all colored in really speaks volumes. Lovely.
