Wednesday, December 28, 2011

what will guide you?

mary jane dodd

i really loved barbara's post yesterday... the emphasis upon a focal point or two is incredibly important in life and art and business if one wants to keep growing...

when i began blogging i found that people chose words for the new year... and that really connected with me... i found the word 'nascent' to be particularly meaningful... so much so that i kept it for a couple of years...

it seems interesting that i am ending the year with a project where i am using the sentiment in a more fully
developed way...

if you look back at your work from the past year, do you notice patterns? do they reveal anything about you and your path?

this year i am ready for a new word...

i am ready for one that is positive and action filled... 

do you have yours?


Artisan Beads Plus said...

I definitely find patterns with my creating. One pattern is too much attention to detail and over-thinking. Like I commented the other day, I'm trying to be less of a perfectionist. I've been working on that for awhile now, but have to continually remind myself every time I sit down to work. I'm currently painting the book theme "Miss Suzy" on a hand-built wooden toy box that I purchased from a man that lives in the general area. I've purchased his unfinished furniture many times and have then made them into my own creations. I found myself obsessing about not missing any details in the first picture I was re-creating onto the box, but was able to quickly stop myself and allow myself some artistic license. I'm hoping that will help me to develop more as a painter. Nascent would be a good word for me to hold onto while I work on this project and the "Harold and the Purple Crayon" toy box for my grandson.

Shai Williams said...

I have been thinking long and hard about a word for the year as I haven't done this before. I really think that my word for the year will be focus as I need to improve my photography skills as well as focus on spending more time in my studio.

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