This summer my family will gather in Detroit to celebrate my paternal grandmother's 100th birthday. While that in itself is a huge event, my mom and I are taking a side trip to visit Houghton Lake, where her parents once owned a cottage. Since they passed away years ago, and we are without a street address, we are busy talking to county clerks and librarians trying to find the spot where my brother and I spent countless summers. The place where I had my first kiss. The place where I discovered amazing seed beaded Native American trinkets at the tourist attractions. And fried dough coated in cinnamon.
Mom's dad, my grandpa, was an interesting man who liked to have fun with kids. He would constantly ask me difficult questions like "you know how to get down off a duck?", and "how far is up?", and I would scratch my head for hours trying to figure it out. Often he would send my brother and I on a mission down to the dock to look for Petosky stones, a beautiful, fossilized coral stone that was the state stone, but the bane of my childhood existence. He had no example to show us, but would describe them and we would search. For hours. And hours. Despite the fact that they reportedly were throughout that part of the state, I never found one, and it killed me.
Here's a Petosky stone in this beautiful necklace from tkmetalarts:

What a wonderful story! So heartwarming! Thanks so much for the feature here on your beautiful blog.
That gave me goose bumps..... What a great story. I will be excited to hear about your trip. When you get to the camp, which I hope you find, be sure to look for that Petosky stone..... you never know what you'll find if you just look ;o)
What a great story.
Beautiful beads.
Have fun this summer.
Continuity! What a great story and what amazing and beautiful beads!
Patty, what a wonderful story! I hope you and your family find that cottage where you spent so much time during your childhood.
OH, heartstopping. I love this sweet and wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it! I hope you find the place where it all began.
Awww, Patty!! What a great story!!!!! I love it!!!
how awesome is this story? isn't that incredible? what were are attuned to and somehow find through our work when guided by that inner voice? if anyone remembers what the area looked like, i am wondering if doing a satellite search on google maps would turn up...
Great story and beautiful beads!
I adore this story! I believe that all images are stored somewhere in our visual memory. They emerge in our artwork in the most beautiful and surprising ways... gorgeous beads!~
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