So, we're in the Apple Store and the sales person checks us out using his I-Phone and a small portable printer. We're like all up in his grill ... as my son would say ... asking about the system. More research was needed. We came across Merchant on the Move where you use your smart phone, in our case, a Droid X to make the transaction. The printer/card swipe and phone are not physically connected ... it is Bluetooth enabled. Swipe the card, key in the sales amount, print one receipt or more. The customer can sign on your phone or on the receipt. $300 for the set up ... much less than other options that generate a receipt. I used the set-up on Saturday at a workshop and it was a dream to work with. If you're interested, contact Tony Salvaggio at Merchant on the Move ... he is super to work with. He'll set you up and do over-the-phone training. Even a blue-haired lady like me can get it ... although much more slowly than my 25 y/o son! :-)
WOW! I'll direct Bill to this post since he does shows and plans on doing even more in the future. Technology is constantly amazing me..... I'm not sure how we survived in the 70's and 80's! I remember while in college having to pay my Mom's secretary $1. a page to type my paper! .....okay......I just realized that what I just said isn't much different than, "Well, lad, when I was a little boy, you could go to the movies, get a soda and popcorn for 5 cents!" LOL!
Sweet! This is awesome :) I've been searching for something like this also, I think my search is over :) thanks!
I really don't do enough shows to warrant shelling out the dough for this, but I'm bookmarking this for the future. Thanks!
I've been using the iPhone 3gs credit card swiper for a couple of months, and I love it. Go to Apple's website for the info. I even have a stylus for taking customer's signatures!
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