This week's giveaway have been donated by yours truly, MaryAnn Carroll.

Simply follow the directions below and your name will be included in the giveaway.
The winner will be announced on November 1st (1 week from today).
This week's theme is 'Color'. What color do you gravitate to when you are designing jewelry, shopping for clothes, or creating your own beads/components?
Leave a comment or post on your own blog, facebook, twitter, etc. about the color give away and then let us know by following us and...
leaving a comment answering the above question AND also letting us know where you posted regarding our color giveaway.
If you don't have a blog, etc. please click HERE to get to the website which will direct you further.
A random winner will be chosen from the...
Love My Art Jewelry BLOG POST Comments on Monday, November 1st.
Please make sure to stop back on Monday to see if you are the lucky winner!
Our next Giveaway will be Monday, November 8th.
Thanks for creating handmade with handmade!
green, green, green~ I even gravitate towards green turquoise!
Green and blue. I try to stay away, but I always go back to my true love of green and blue. Nelly Eisenhower
It would have to be greens of all kinds and blues especially turquoises..then rusts and corals..
love these earrings.
I find I reach for the blues and greens most often, and brown tones are next on the list.
The earrings are beautiful! The colors in them are amazing!
Well, I'm in great company...ocean colors.
Then colors of the sunset.
I like these earrings a lot. The beads remind me of coffee while you're stirring in the cream, or a piece of carmel candy. Beautiful.
I have found that I have a glut of green and blue beads... but I love using reds and rusts and browns too. I don't stick with one color palette, although my palette is usually darker, grungier. This year I challenged myself to color. Lots of it. Now I fear no color. Except maybe yellow ;-)
Enjoy the day!
Los que mas me gustan son los marrones y los verdes
I love brown, I can't get enough of it. I have been gravitating to white and purple lately too. I have been trying to use other colors lately so I bought some blue and green art beads these past few weeks on etsy I can't wait till they arrive so I can be challenged.
Blogging about the giveaway at
I automatically gravitate to anything blue-greeny or green-bluey. I just discovered the combo of dark plum, dijon yellow, and aqua. It is a lovely, lovely combo that going to be all over me this fall!!!
Already following, guestbook signed, waiting with fingers crossed to win those bronze beauties!!!
I lean towards bright "jewel" tones.Purples,teals,magentas...I work alot with copper and use these colors to pick up the tones copper has when I torch it. I've also been using opalite alot lately,it seems to pick up on the colors of the beads I'm using on that particular piece.
I tend to wear more earthy colors myself, so these earrings would be perfect
Lately I am obsessed with browns and earthtones! I am going to say antiqued copper findings are the choice as of lately. As you can see, these earrings are perfect for me! I own a closet full of brown shirts and sweaters and have a lot of brown in my home!
I use mostly ocean colors in my work, but love to look at yellows, oranges,and reds. Maybe I sould incorporate warm colors into my work, especially since it's Autumn now!
The blue of the East Coast oceans were left behind when I moved to the desert Southwest. Now I have the blue of the sky in abundance. Blue follows me & I never get bored with the infinite variety of hues.
Since I don't have a blog or website yet, I left a message on your guest book. Please enter me in your give-away. Thanks!
Blues, greens, metallics like copper, gold, bronze.
pink, my favorite color is pink!!!!!
I always gravitate to the earth tones. And I posted about your giveaway on my blog:
Blues, greens, teals - that's what i love! oh yes I love amber, almost forgot! I will twitter this.
It has always been black and silver though I am starting to accept the fact that I look better in autumn colors.
And I blogged about the giveaway
I love using browns and combining it with other color like pink, turquoise, purple,etc. I posted the giveaway on my blog:
Thanks so much for all of the interest in the earrings....I've been out of the jewelry making loop for awhile now since I focus on creating ceramic beads. Now, I'm starting to focus on how I can use some of my beads in my own designs and that has been a challenge that I'm enjoying!
I tend to gravitate to purples and blues, but think I need to get more Autumn colors in my wardrobe. I know they go well with my coloring and I always enjoy seeing them. I just somehow never go for them when shopping.
I shared the giveaway on my Facebook page
I love the ocean colors and really have to work at choosing colors that are in for the season.
Posted this on my blog.
As Barbara and I say, I should have been GreenAntiquities! Green for sure. And Blue. Dirty, Grungy,Rusty,Earthy,Verdigris, I love them all...for clothes,trinkets, books,whatever! I think I need to expand my horizons! I posted on my FaceBlogBookPage! Love this new blog and the writers...Laura
Copper and browns first! Then look for the accent :-) Beautiful earrings!
I definitely go for green first.
I love green and blue! Those seem to be the most loved colors!
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