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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Looking at Your Progress Through Photos

Recently I went through my photo library and cleaned up the files.
There is something magical and inspirational looking through photos...
Screen shots from apps are a bit of a time warp:
Above was a photo of Blue Poppies filtered through the Percolator app.
Over time technology changes and I wonder when this app will be obsolete.

Times that I have spent just making and making beads.
Sometimes for orders. Sometimes for ideas. Sometimes for shows.

And variations - ideas and daydreams about what these could be - barely touching on the potential...

Working through hundreds of beads making pairs and having just a few odds left.

Wondering sometimes: How did I make all of those? And will I ever do that again?

Always inspired by nature - seed pods - a bunch of press molds and bead tests that need to be looked upon again and fiddled with.

And explorations with water color a few years back - simply to explore.
To me I see an eye, and blue skies reflected.

So while work and family keep me busy and my studio is more and more cluttered from short bursts of creativity time - I look on these and feel inspired to get back and focus.

It is time to clean and organize and get myself ready for some bead shows (Bead Fest April, Bead and Button June, and Bead Fest August). I need to look and see what it is exactly that I want to make.

Looking back is a good way to make progress forward...

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