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Monday, January 18, 2016

Baby Steps

In my last post (here), I shared with you my current progress on a sterling silver cuff that featured many new-to-me techniques. I did finish the cuff, including setting the faceted Cubic Zirconia stone in a cone setting, dead center of the cuff.   

While I am extremely pleased with how the cuff turned out --- it literally sucked the mojo right out of me! This class truly took weeks for completion.  The hype in prepping and completing each step of the soldering was me (will I burn all that silver? Will the filigree solder to the cuff? What if I cannot set that center stone?)  You get the drift.

I have not ventured into making another one  --- I still haven't figured out when/where I will wear this baby!  Suffice it to say that I am a homebody and rarely even go out to dinner these days! :)

So, I decided to concentrate on the individual techniques involved. The hardest part of the cuff -- for me -- was soldering those tiny little granulation balls on such a huge piece of silver. So, took a tiny piece of silver scrap that I rough cut into a heart shape and made a little necklace.  The smaller the piece of silver - the easier it is to maintain an equal temperature on the entire piece of silver.  

Creating bangles and cuffs are one by far one of my favorite techniques to date.  So, I grabbed some 16 gauge copper, and instead of etching, I added some stamping.

I cut and dapped a little disc from silver, which I was going to rivet to the center of the cuff. I changed my mind mid-design (does anyone else do this? I really should sketch.....). Instead, I soldered on a little decorative shot to the center of the disc. 

I wanted to provide more surface area for that disc on the cuff prior to soldering - the last thing I wanted was for that disc to fall off. So, I made a very small divot dead center in the cuff and flattened the bottom of the disc just a bit by rubbing it over my files/sandpaper. You can see the divot on the inside of the cuff.

I am happy to say that disc is on for good!

I am working on creating a ring with another cone setting.  The cone is complete, but I have not taken any pictures yet.  Baby Steps.  Practice. Practice. Practice!

Hoping my mojo returns today....

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Yes...I keep saying I should sketch...then I don't. Lovely job on all the work shown. I love hearing how you keep going and learning. It is inspiring to read and see. I don't go out much either and fancy bracelets are tough to wear around home with heavy coats and lugging wood and doing dishes etc! They sort of get in the way, but I do love them! Nice job. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Patti! I love it when others share their struggles and triumphs...Thanks! I am still feel like a novice with the torch and find myself literally holding my breath every time I turn it on. Love the copper cuff!

  3. Your silver cuff is amazing! Good idea to use the techniques separately; great little heart necklace! You are a great inspiration for practicing and learning new techniques. I'm such a slacker when it comes to that. However, I took the first step in a new technique I've been wanting to learn (and collecting tools and materials for) over the weekend. I had a 3 day weekend and waited until the evening of the third day and pulled it all out. I guess I have to spring new things on myself so I don't chicken out.
