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Friday, June 26, 2015

Maybe tomorrow....

Yesterday was my last day of school for 2014/2015. I have been a special education resource teacher for 31 years, 25 of those at Fabius-Pompey, a nice little rural district south of Syracuse, NY. It never fails.... I am working on paperwork (I HATE PAPERWORK) up until and including the last day. The problem.... well, it is the same problem that I have with everything that seems like a chore... procrastination.

I always get everything done that I need to and I tend to do my best under pressure. At 55, I am pretty sure that won't be changing anytime soon.  Procrastination MADE ME wait until this am to think about today's post. The truth is as I type this sentence, I still have no clue.


.......pressure is building

I think I have this.....

Yup - there is an "I'll do that later" list at home......

........I told the group was that I think it would be a good idea to have links to our individual FB pages. That was at least two weeks ago. In my defense, life has been a little on the crazy side (friends often look forward to my morning news reports on the latest family drama), so that has been put a few sticky notes down in the pile of things to do.

I do have a procrastination system. Notes to self (usually sticky), have notes all over desk, throw notes away as the work gets done, more new notes added, still have notes that have wrinkled edges and maybe some coffee stains on them (those are the ones that I try not to wish away), maybe rewrite those notes on a clean sticky note (maybe a new color will make me get it done), hold onto notes because I can do it tomorrow, time is running out, pressure, gather the dreaded notes with the most important on top and then.... finally, if it all goes as unplanned, things work out!

I haven't dreaded this task..... just haven't gotten it done.

In no particular order (If all went right, you should be able to click each picture- If not, give me a few minutes and I will have it fixed!!) -



Mary Jane






And then there is ours. Yup.... this task of updating got somewhere lost in the fire of the year...... maybe this summer I will get on top of it!

We'll see.

MaryAnn (and Bill)

Of course I don't want to forget what we share as a group.

Love My Art Jewelry

I am now one step away from completing the task of making this a page. 

Maybe I will get on that tomorrow.


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