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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Show Prep and Accepting my Limitations

by Staci Louise Smith

Show time has finally rolled around again.  

I think I almost always go into a show feeling somewhat unprepared.  I have notebooks of things I want to have made for each new show, and rarely get to finish them all.  Though I must say, I usually come pretty close.  People often say to me, "I don't know how you do it all, three kids and a business."  

My answer every time is, "I don't."  
Something is always not done.  I live with a half finished list, piles of laundry and dog hair filled floors.  I have projects that get back burner-ed in the studio all the time.

This year, I have had two extra months of no shows to prepare, and somehow, I am still not prepared for this show.  Life just keeps telling me, get out of the studio.  It seems to be one thing after another this year.  So, I am finally trying to listen.  I have been taking more time to rest, and to be with family.  I really burned myself out last year trying to do it all.

As a result, my list is not going to get done.  And though a small part of me is crying inside, dying to make all these new things in my head, the rest of me is actually ok with it.  

It is what it is.  My well being comes first, family comes first.  

I mean, it takes a month for me just to make all the components so that I can assemble jewelry.  A full component tray, with clasps and ear wires is a GREAT feeling.  It means I am almost ready to sit down and assemble things.  

(I also tried my hand at making large wire balls for beads- I love them and they will go so well with my style!)

I did get a bunch of new earrings made, which felt REALLY good.  

I also got a half day in the studio (after lunch and into the night with dinner and family time in between) to torch some metal and hammer things and make these rocking bangle bracelets.  I just love them.  Bracelets are never my strong point, so I tend to go with something different, like my leather cuffs, ect.  I have been itching to make bangles, and man, I am loving it.  Thanks to Maryanne, Karen for sharing different bangle techniques and getting my creative juices flowing. I am late to the bangle party!!!
(links to some great bangle posts)

and Patti's bangles have been very inspiring to me:

Bangles before finishing:

Bangles after fnishing

So, here is a little video mid-bangle production.  Messy studio, tools everywhere.....and I love it.  
(I am cranking some Cat Stevens, so you may want to turn down the volume.  I like to listen to Peace Train while I beat up

If you are local, my show is in Bethlehem PA this weekend.  Here is a link to the show info.  It is a beautiful town with lots of wonderful places to eat and shop and get a drink.  The show is full of wonderful artisans and artists as well.  I hope you can stop by!


  1. I saw your Bangle Progress photos on Facebook - these are awesome and so "you"! Love the double balled wire you put through the bangle! Bangles will be always be my favorite thing to create - I think it's all the hammering that is involved! :)

    Rest time is so important! My theory on a clean house is it will just get dirty why bother? :) Best of luck to you on your shows!!

  2. Your component tray is making me salivate, oh my so many gorgeous little works of art! Love your new bangles too, I especially like how you wrapped wire around some like a snake. Wire balls are one of my favorite things to create; they are fun, each one is unique and precision isn't necessary!

    Looks like you are well prepared for your show this weekend. Enjoy your time there and happy mother's day!
