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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Silk Cord and Bead Obsession

I have an obsession.
It is with color. It is with texture. It is with feel.
It is with emotional connection to something handmade.

 There is something that moves me deep about colors and glass.
Seed beads - I cannot have enough!
And with my recent class using these TR5 Myuki beads (size 5 Triangle Beads), I decided to organize my stash.
Which then led to - what else can I make with these - and use the 2mm silks I carry & sell?

After looking around on Pinterest for simple wrap bracelets, I figured out a design that was quick and easy to do. Something that I could make and wear on the go.
Testing and figuring out a design like this took me days of testing and fiddling with different materials and styles.

My final decision was 1mm Waxed Cotton Cord (about a yard).
1 strand of 2mm Silk Cord (40-42" length).
And 50 of the TR5 glass beads.
And a favorite button or disc bead as the closure.
I am working on the detailed directions for kits, but you basically make a loop with the cotton cord, tie on the silk at the mid way point, braid the three strands, and move a bead up into the braid whenever it is time to move the cotton cord.
When you get it to the desired length, you tie on the button and wha-la!
Ready to wear.

I already have plenty of silk color palettes that I sell.
Now I've come up with a bunch of bead mixes that coordinate too.
The last step is me coordinating my glaze colors for the closure piece to go with these.

Internet buying and matching colors can be such a pain sometimes, and nobody wants to be disappointed in the way of losing money, and not having a fun project to do.

And to me - these colors are happy.
These silks are so soft. And this is what I want to wear as it gets warmer.

Being able to take a project with me to t-ball practice, waiting at the bus stop, waiting in a doctors office, as a passenger in a car, flying on a plane, sitting on the beach, whenever my hands want to be busy and able to complete a task - that satisfies me.

This has been such a good challenge for me to fiddle with what I've got.
Simple projects. Fun projects. 
And something that makes me feel the happiness that I had as a teenager:
making bracelets for my family and friends...
That is where this takes me.
Summertime bracelet fun!

This blog post was written by Marsha Neal Studio for Love My Art Jewelry Blog.
If you are reading this on another site, it has been copied and used without permission of the author or blog owner.
Please do not copy and use this information without permission (many blogs are having issues with this kind of stealing).


  1. Wow these are brilliant! You are so clever

  2. I am not familiar with TR5 glass beads. Would love a liitle more detail.

  3. I can't get over how organized you are! Your beads and strings look so pretty together! I love what you've done with your silks too, your bracelets are beautiful and fun!

  4. Thanks Carol!!! I have SO many bins of beads (those clear plastic shoe boxes). I went through them all to pull out my triangles so I could get my brain in order. I really want to do the size 6 and 8 too - but I would be here for weeks... lol. I should probably just buy the sample cards and make my life easier - I think they even have them as pdf these days :)

  5. Your bracelets are fun and pretty! I've been hoarding some of those silks from your shop for a while. I used some the other day on a challenge piece (that hasn't been revealed yet) and you are right. They are so soft! I wore the piece and it was so comfortable.

  6. those are great!!!! wonderful pop of color for spring

  7. Kathy, the TR5 is a Size 5 Triangle (Myuki) seed bead. They are a really fun size to work with :)

  8. it was very nice meeting you at the Philadelphia beadfest. I purchased one of your kits for this bracelet and finally got to sit down and make it today. It came out beautiful. I love it! Thank you.
