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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Regaining your momentum....

by Barbara Bechtel

Some freehand stitching I've been working on in 2015

Are you already on a roll in 2015? Are you off and running and attacking the new year? If you are, GOOD FOR YOU! But perhaps you're already stuck.....Sometimes even though we have the best of intentions of diving into the new year with a new zest and zeal, you go to your studio or your worktable and you feel....






If that's you, DON'T WORRY! You're not alone! Sometimes the holidays or any big event for that matter can leave you feeling less than motivated creatively. My own experience is that much of that feeling can be attributed the the break in momentum. All of the build up to the holidays or a big show can leave you feeling depleted and zapped. For me, it's a big factor in my creativity. Although it continues to be a struggle for me, as I continue on my creative path, I thought I would share my tips today for finding your groove again and regaining your creative momentum:

Barbara's Tips for getting UNSTUCK:

Be kind to yourself. You are not a machine. While you may have just had a holiday "vacation", many times we need a creative vacation. If you're recouping after a big show, close that studio door for a couple days, weeks, months, if you need to. Focus on other aspects of your life for a bit. As the old adage goes, art imitates life, and sometimes when you get into a routine with the rest of your life, you'll feel that pull again on your creativity.

2) Take a class or do something different creatively. You're a creative being but that doesn't mean you have to focus solely on one thing. Especially if your main focus brings in income, your creativity can often be zapped by that pressure to make money. Find a class that teaches a skill you've been wanting to add to your repertoire or take up another creative hobby while your brain recuperates. Cooking, knitting, painting or drawing, whatever!....Free yourself to use your creativity in other ways besides the one where you feel stuck.

3) Find local connections. If you have creative friends nearby, get together for a day of fun. It can be as structured as you wish (everyone works on the same project) or maybe everyone just brings their own project to work on. Sometimes just talking to other creative friends about what they are working on and chatting together over a cup of coffee can really help. No creative friends nearby? Get on the ol' interwebs and have a google hangout or start a Facebook group where you can commune with like minded creatives!

4) Revisit an old or unfinished project. NONE of us have any of those, right? ;) Sometimes those old and unfinished projects haunt our creativity and weigh us down. Dig one out and FINISH it. It doesn't need to end up like the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, but sometimes the act of getting in there and finishing something you started can be very liberating.

5) Clean/ Organize/ Rearrange your workspace. Shake it up. Get rid of old stuff, rearrange and clear the space. Find some old supplies you forgot about. Commit to using them or parting with them.

6) Embrace the mundane tasks of creativity. Make clasps, make headpins, recycle that old metal or clay, polish your tools, clean the pickle pot. Sometimes in the throes of creativity, we put those things off, but just like doing the laundry, mowing the lawn, and cleaning the toilet, it still needs done, and there is always a sense of accomplishment afterwards.

What are YOUR favorite tips for getting unstuck? I'd love for you to share them in the comments!


  1. I find that selecting a few blog hops a month encourages and inspires me to be creative.

  2. Barbara,

    I am feeling a bit worn out today and finding it hard to get things done in the studio. I appreciate your great tips!

    Ok, I'm off to go bang on some metal and try to get my mojo back.

    PS. I love your free hand stitching!

  3. Great tips! Tip #5 is my favorite. Cleaning and organizing always help me feel more creative. I also never fail to come across "new" beads - "ohhhh, I forgot about these!"

  4. I usually stop for a while and do other things like sketching or go out to clear my mind.Basically i engage myself to anything else that has no relation to making jewelry,and it works!
