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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Wire all the Way Around

by Staci Louise Smith

Long necklaces have always been difficult for me.  I find that when I create shorter styles, the composition just flows for me.  However, when you do a long necklace, making it flow together is more difficult.  You have many many more elements that need to work together in order for the composition to look right.  More shapes to balance, more colors to carry's a challenge.

I finally took the dive though and began making some for my mom and I think I figured it out.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I still take them apart and add and take away....on and on.............until they are just right.  But I am no longer intimidated by them.

One thing I have found, that is the saving grace of the long necklace, is wire.  Using a consistent wire all the way around, and using it periodically as a design element itself, is crucial.  It is the uniting element that carries the onlookers eye through the whole piece.

Remember those wire ball bead from last week?  I love adding one of those in.  
I usually start with one piece and make a wire frame for it.  It's a good starting point.

As I lay the beads out, I often don't think they will look right, but as I add wire to them, and wrap it around them, and between them, it all begins to come together.....

and at the end, it looks cohesive.

I do a lot of taking apart and re-doing on the longer pieces.  It takes some fiddling to make sure things lay right, and that they still  have balance of color, shape and size.  I am enjoying the challenge now though!

AND- I am falling in love with wire all over again!  It is not merely a way to connect things, it is a part of the design itself.  

While I was on the wire kick, I took time to make some of my wire components for charm necklaces, because who doesn't love a good charm necklace?

And here are a few of them all filled in.  

Endless possibilities with wire!

So I encourage you to tackle a design you haven't mastered, and to have some fun with wire.  It really can be anything you want.

Check out our tutorial page, and scroll down to wire work.  There are many tutorials and blog posts to try out if you are new to wire, or just want to explore something new.

Maybe you can do some new wire work for our upcoming blog hop on October 25th!  Celebrate Dia De Los Muertos with us by making a piece inspired by the holiday, or sugar skulls!


  1. Thanks for the link to the tutorial page. I admire everyone's work here; thank you all for sharing your lovely designs and expertise.

  2. I've always admired your work but the charm necklace is SO inspired!!! Thanks for sharing!
