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Friday, July 1, 2016

Happy Independence Day!

by Sherri Stokey

Happy (almost) Independence Day!!  I love this time of year!  I don't just make jewelry, either - I love to put my creative energies to work in the kitchen.  What's more fun than themed (red, white & blue) food?

It's even better if I get helpers!

After everyone leaves, I like to spend a little time unwinding, and to me that means making macrame.  A little patriotic jewelry, anyone?

Not everyone enjoys the 4th quite as much as I do, though.  My poor baby doesn't like fireworks (or thunder, or rain, or wind or snow...) 

How about you?  Are you celebrating this weekend?


  1. These are GORGEOUS designs, Sherri...almost as gorgeous as your fabulous family! :)

    We will be hunkered down in the basement with the TV blaring...probably from Friday through our pup cannot stand the noise either! :(

    Have a safe holiday weekend!!

  2. Love, love, love the pics. Thanks for sharing your precious family and your lovely designs with us. Happy 4th!!

  3. Your grandson is getting so big!! What a cutie pie too. As a kid we would go see the fireworks faithfully every year. Since I have lived in Florida I don't think I have seen them once, it's just so hot in July I prefer to stay indoors as much as I can!! I do get to see the Blue Angels fly the week after the 4th every year though!

  4. These are wonderful- my kind of red white and blue <3
