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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Winter Solstice

I love this time of year. Clear nights. Crisp clean air. Bare branches silhouetted against a cloudy sky. For me, it's a time of reflection. Although some of us, myself included, find ourselves caught up in the whirlwind of holiday madness. We end up becoming depleted in more ways than one.

So I think it's important, especially for us creatives, to embrace the darker months by turning inward. It's a good time for stillness and reflection. It's an opportunity for us to recharge and prepare for the creative bursts we will have in spring. 

So for now, I am introspective and quiet. 

Every year I look forward to the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night. I celebrate by watching the sunset with my family wrapped in a warm blanket and a hot toddy. 

My family and I will celebrate Christmas in a very simple way this year. Probably no tree, and that's ok. My son doesn't want a dying tree in the living room. I don't blame him. We will cut branches and pick up pine cones for display on the dinner table. Also, some of my sons military friends will join us. They are far from their families, so we will share a delicious home cooked feast, play the guitar and sing, and take a long walk along the river. 

I created this necklace today thinking about the return of light after the winter solstice. I made it as a reminder to embrace the darkness for soon there will be light.

How do you celebrate your holiday season? Do you have any special traditions or rituals that you and your family do every year?

 I hope everyone has a peaceful and love filled holiday!


  1. How nice that you share your meal with those who are far away from home. For the first time our daughter will not be home for Christmas and I will miss her.
    As for traditions we eat at dad and then go to our church for a lovely candlelight service. Mom passed away three years ago and it is just not the same without her as she loved Christmas more than anyone.
    Your necklace is beautiuful!
    Have a very blessed Christmas.

  2. Hi Alice!

    It's so hard when our children are not home for the holidays. The first time my son was stationed overseas, I kept very busy. Same with me, my mom loved Christmas too and was really good at bringing us all together. Thank you for the compliment Alice. Have a wonderful Christmas with your dad!

  3. I've never considered celebrating the sunset on the winter solstice, I've always just regretted the lack of light. I really don't enjoy the shorter days and longer nights, I'm a beachy-summertime gal and the lack of light drains me. However, perhaps I need to re-think that and celebrate the change a little differently. I thank you for the other perspective. Oh, and that necklace. . .it's sublime!
