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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Never underestimate....

I started this piece last June.....
I stamped three or four and then, life intervened, and they were left by the wayside.....And quite frankly, I wasn't sure how to finish them at that time....I just had these vintage stampings that I saw a vision for... but I couldn't quite finish them. For many months, I couldn't or wouldn't finish them...I was dealing with some health issues and general malaise...depression I couldn't codify or chose not to...
I had this magnanimous the shape of a hurricane (which comes naturally to me since I live in Florida)..which at some point in June 2013, I chose to stamp with a quote from one of my favorite novels of all time, Little Women.......that I resonated I made some quotes and finished them with my saw and then... they still just sat there.... For months...almost a year! And then one day, I woke up and they decided to be finished.
The actual point of this message is...Don't Stop! Don't throw away an idea that you feel passionate about....Stick it in a drawer...or put it on your table and just keep staring at it....but the point is...some day, even if you don't feel it WILL come back...and that amazing IDEA you had at one will make sense again...and if it doesn't, you will....


  1. You finished these beautifully. Great advice.

  2. I do that all the time, put things by the wayside to simmer. though often mine lose steam. I absolutely love how your piece turned out. I think its amazing, because it is so personal- and yet a statement so many can relate to. plus, the ship and waves you sawed in there are amazing!

  3. Love them! They are beautiful!

  4. I love it! The brass clouds and the rivets and the translucent blue backing - it looks beautiful!

  5. Great insights, the happening AND the quote. Where can I get me one?
    Terri G

  6. Beautiful!!!!! Good advice I think we all need. Sometimes the vision is not complete, and we just need to walk away and let it simmer

  7. I love the moral to your story AND that finished piece. Both are inspiring and beautiful.

  8. Oh, how lovely!! You finished them when the time was right, sometimes we're just in a hurry!
