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Friday, February 28, 2014

The Beauty of Ceramic Beads and the Jewelry Created with them.....

MaryAnn Carroll
My journey with bead making started with low-fire ceramic beads known as earthenware. Low-fire is when you ultimately (usually after the glazing stage) fire the beads to approximately 1850 (give or take) degrees in a kiln which is basically a specialized oven that will heat to certain temperatures. Marsha wrote a post that goes into much more detail about this process. If interested in learning more, click HERE.

Today, when I create ceramic beads, I usually am drawn to a mid-fire porcelain or I am fortunate enough to be able to use high fire clay and fire those beads in my husband Bill's wood-fire kiln. I will leave pictures of those for another post.

 I just wanted to share some work from a few ceramic artists. Following a sample from each, is an example of another piece of theirs used in a different artist's jewelry. Ceramic beads are fantastic in jewelry making as I hope you will see.

If you have not yet tried out ceramic beads, I do not think you will be disappointed. Navigate to shops by clicking on the links below each picture.

Beads by Karen Totten
Necklace by Martha Thomas
Pendant by Diana P.
Earrings by Sarajo Wentling
Pendant by Leslie Watt
Necklace by Debi
Pendant by Marsha Neal
Necklace by Rejetta Sellers
Bead by Natalie
Necklace by Karen G.
Pendant by Mary Harding
Necklace by Genea CK
Cabochon by Lisa Peters
Necklace by Carol Dean-Sharpe

These are just a few of the many artists who create ceramic beads, pendants and jewelry. I think you will agree that the beauty of ceramic is further brought out in the designs created.

Lastly, I want to thank-you for supporting artists who create handmade with handmade. I would also like to give a special thank-you to all of the members of LMAJ who keep this blog what it is. I've had many "events" along the way that have kept me from creating, as have some of our other members. It is because of the artists here that step in for each other to keep us moving.




  1. Nice compilation! Thank you for including me in such good company!

  2. Wonderful post MaryAnn. I especially like the way you focused first on the single ceramic artist bead and then coupled a different bead by the same artist in work by a jewelry designer. It really gets the idea across that ceramic beads are uniquely beautiful and so well suited for handmade jewelry designs. I am so pleased you included my work.

  3. Wonderful post and what a fun surprise that you showcased my pink ceramic bead. I loved looking at all of them. Thank you! :)

  4. Loved seeing the different ways ceramics have been used, they're such a lovely versatile medium!

  5. All wonderful, but you are too modest, MaryAnn--to leave out a sample of your own beads! For sure yours were some of the first ceramic pieces I used....

  6. I love designing with handmade ceramic beads. I feel it gives my jewelry a unique look. During my design process I feel personally connected to the artist who created the bead(s). In the end, the finished piece of jewelry has essentially been co-created by the artistic vision of the ceramicist and myself.

  7. Thanks, Gale :) What a nice compliment....

  8. Wow! I am honored to see a pair of my earrings featured alongside such amazing artists and pieces. I always love finding other fabulous bead makers and my shopping wish list is always growing!

  9. Thank you so much for including my necklace! :) Cheers - Martha Thomas

  10. Thank you for including my necklace, it is an honor to be among such great artists! And I love working with the fabulous ceramic beads they create.

  11. I love ceramic beads and pendants! You've included some of the "greats" and my favorites here! ~Sharyl
