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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Teamwork. It Makes You Think, it Makes You Work--by Karen McGovern

Two years ago I was approached online by a woman named Becky Nunn.  She contacted me to inquire if I would be interested in becoming a part of her Innovation Team for Nunn Designs.  Prior to meeting Becky, I had not heard of Nunn Design, and rushed to the Google Machine to find out more.
Turns out, Becky is the force behind an extensive line of really lovely jewelry design products.  Bezels, rings, pendants, settings, chains, charms, collage sheets, resin, molds—the list goes on and on, with the line expanding every year.  I was intrigued (the products are really great), and especially liked the fact that Becky does her best to get her team members published (because of her I have had work published in several print and online magazines and blogs).  The requirements were simple, create a few sample designs per month using Nunn products.  This may sound restrictive to us creative/outside the box-type artists, but Becky was very emphatic that we take her products and put our spin and design ethic into each creation.  I said "YES" and have been enjoying myself ever since.  You can see more of the designs I have created using Nunn products here.

Some of my favorite designs created using Nunn products.
Who doesn’t like working with new components and materials??  Becky keeps me flush with super-cool goodie boxes crammed full of the newest Nunn products to play with.  And, I also enjoy the challenge of taking her stuff and making it my own with each design.
Also, and perhaps most importantly, this agreement (now into its third year—I guess Becky is a glutton for punishment with me), forces me to create something new each and every month.  “Forces” isn’t the right word—no one likes to be “forced” to create and Becky is super-cool, super-nice and totally understanding if you have a crap month where life gets in the way of your creativity and leaves you high and dry in the design/time/space department.  What our agreement does is allow me the incentive to take, and MAKE time to design and create, while giving me new challenges and inspirations through the ever-growing line of cool products Becky sends my way.
Exposure is always appreciated, and Becky works her ASS off to get all her team members out there in cyberspace and beyond, but working as part of her team also given me something really special.  I am a part of something bigger than myself.  My ideas are not only solicited, but LISTENED TO.  I am very grateful for the opportunities that have come my way directly because of this collaborative affiliation.  I owe Becky a lot.
So, if you have not heard of NunnDesigns, hurry up and take a look.  They have a great blog full of tutorials, info, artist bios and more.  AND, if you have ever considered becoming part of a team like the Nunn Innovation Team, I say GO FOR IT.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to grow as an artist, try new products, meet new artists, and expand your design vocabulary.  Lots of opportunity out there…grab some for yourself!


  1. Design teams are wonderful! I love being challenged. What you do with her components is just amazing. little works of art, everytime!

  2. Miss Becky is indeed a wonder. I do love her components and I was honored to be on that first team with you, Miss Karen! I loved your creations the most. So innovative and daring. Working in such a collaborative way is very exciting for me and I enjoyed the time I was with the Nunn Design team and the relationships that I fostered during that time. Looking forward to seeing what amazing things you come up with for the future! Enjoy the day. Erin

  3. Nunn pieces and collections are beautiful and high quality. It's always fun to see your very innovative creations using them. Loved that baby tree under glass - genius!!

  4. Love Nunn products and love Becky. Great designs!
