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Saturday, January 25, 2014

mary jane dodd

loving fully - mjd 2014
upon my last breath
may i know fully
that i have given all 
my heart could give,

loving fully - mjd 2014

that the chips 
and cracks
incurred along the way
served not to weaken it
but allowed the light
to enter
and made it all the stronger.


  1. Although I don't comment often, I truly love reading your writings and this one might be my all time favorite. It's truly beautiful!!

  2. thank you as always for the inspiring words! Your new pieces are amazing, so fragile looking, but I bet they are actually very strong!

    many blessings MJ!

  3. Great job with your blog! I really love the work you do on here. My favorite type of jewelry is the simple, yet beautiful kind, and it looks like that's what you are doing here. Keep it up! I plan to come around a lot more.
    Alexi |
