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Saturday, January 4, 2014

ever so gently ringing

mary jane dodd

leaf hanging with bells - mjd 2013

so much pressure for an evening, a day -
resolutions, intentions

i have learned that year dates are a way to give a bit of structure to our recollection of life events,

but each and every day we have the opportunity 
to awaken 
to invoke change.



greys that calm 
building bridges between 
white and black.

soft threads 
fragile strength
for eons
providing humanity 
with exquisite

in the shape of mandalas.

crystals faceted just so
catching light
and releasing it
the dance of all 
that is open

reminders from the himalayas
that clarity 
are critical

and bells,
lovely bells
softly ringing 

gentle reminders 
kin to birds singing
cats purring
leaves rustling
that life is best lived


from benedictus by john o'donohue:

may i live this day

compassionate of heart,
clear in word,
gracious in awareness,
courageous in thought,
generous in love.

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