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Saturday, January 11, 2014

capturing stillness

mary jane dodd

fragile strength talisman/be still - mjd 2014

at first
we seem to catch moments 
of stillness

the way we did 
as children.

seeing their flashing light,
we would run carefully
up to them
trying to catch them 
ever so gently 
in cupped hands.

exciting and unique moments,

we feel like 
it must have been the place
or time
that brought it into being
for us.

and so we return 
to that place or time
to find it again. 

fragile strength talisman/be still - mjd 2014

trickles in 
as we contemplate
how to return to to this place
of tranquility.

we begin to notice 
that stillness 
is not about
external circumstances
perfect states of being,

are they required to be 
present first for 
stillness to exist.

as our moments accumulate,
they grow closer and closer

in the gathering awareness,
we come to realize
that moments of quietude
are always within our grasp.

fragile strength talisman/be still - mjd 2014

we hold the key 
to make them manifest.

and with that knowledge, 
we walk in light. 


  1. Such a stunning and fragile piece accompanied by wonderful words.

  2. Très joli post ! très belles photos de tes créations!! je découvre ton blog, je me suis inscrite pour suivre tes publications, à bientôt,
    Bon dimanche- Cath

  3. Oh, Mary Jane, I think these are my favorite posts of all of them here on Love my Art Jewelry. Your way of "weaving" your poetry through your art inspires me. You'll probably love this song (if you don't already......"To Be Still" by Alela Diane

  4. ~exquisite~

    thank you for sharing
