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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Artist Shout Out - Dawn Wilson Enoch of Desert Talismans

Karen McGovern here...This year for our blog I'm going to be featuring different artists in "Shout Outs" as well as in depth interviews.  My first shout out goes to Desert Talismans.  Let me start by saying that this artist makes me positively GREEN with creative ENVY.  I love everything she does and have stalked (I mean "followed") her on Etsy for years.  Dawn Wilson-Enoch is the artist behind Desert Talismans and she creates stunning jewelry using native stones, leathers, found objects and cast silver and bronze.  She makes her own molds for casting from natural materials (like thousand year old trees and stones) and has a deep love for her native New Mexico landscape--totally reflected in her work.  She has inspired me so much--I know you will feel the same.  I just love how tribal her work is, and how it all looks like it could have been recently discovered or unearthed at some exotic archeological dig.  Her use of texture is just breathtaking, and I love the layers and bundles she creates.  Take a peek at her Etsy shop and prepare to be amazed.  So glad I discovered her, and so worth sharing.  If we are lucky, maybe I can snag her for an interview...


  1. thanks for sharing this Karen! I love how you seek out other artists and share them. You have such a knack for picking drool worthy art!

  2. Her work is very intriguing and beautiful.Thank you for sharing!

  3. So incredibly beautiful!!!!!! Heading over to check her out now

  4. Gorgeous work! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Dawn's work is fantastic. I also love her descriptions, with each piece she creates she brings a story, you can almost feel the piece in your hands when you read how she describes her creative process and other interesting facts about the components she uses.

  6. Beautiful work! I really love the material you use. What is it again? I just recently got a few of these hand stamped braceletsthat would go perfectly with one of those necklaces!
