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Thursday, December 12, 2013

What have I been up to you ask?

by Staci L. Smith
Well, the holidays are all but upon us, and to make it even sweeter, we got some nice snow this week in PA.

(aren't they so creative, I just love my little guys snowman)
The boys also built a fort, and it is REALLY good!
This is a shot from the side.  It is in the tree line.
 this is within the tree line, so you have to climb in to see the opening
 and this is a close up, you can see they hung their gear inside
I just love that they are each creative in their own way too!
I have been taking some time to play around a little more since my shows are done.  Both with family, and with creating things. 
You can read my blog here about these new prong settings I made.


  They were great practice for soldering, and I even made the larger links in the chain.  So I also got to buff and polish. 
I have been working on some mixed media art as well.  I carved some linoleum blocks and made some prints, as well as played with paint and other mixed media techniques.  I justify this, because some will be Christmas gifts !!!!!!

Seriously though, I really needed to take some time to play- because its how I learn.  It's how I process, and its how I discover new things too.
Now I need to play with some cold connections so I have something new for the blog hop on Monday!  I really hope you join us too!
Rings and Things recently sent me some samples to try out, and I think they KNEW we were having a cold connection blog hop coming up, because they sent me these............
Brass Blank Windows
I got one of each of the new designs (I think).  How perfect to add a picture between and rivet together, or make them into pins or pendants!!!!!  They have a bunch of great designs, already cut and ready to assemble.  Check them out here.  (I do not get any endorsement from them for this, I just thought they were perfect for our boot camp).
Sorry for the rambling, just wanted to let you all know how many directions my brain has been in this month!  At least things come out of that mess!  Whew!
How do you do the holidays' creatively?  Do you do handmade gifts, or just prep for shows?  Or both?  And do you hop to various mediums for gifts (like pull out all your creative juices?)



  1. I so enjoyed the post. Love the snowman and the fort. The jewelry and the prong settings are fab.
    Have a nice Christmas

  2. I loved seeing the wonderful snowman and fort. It brought back memories of my youth.

    I am done prepping for holiday shows. Yeah! I did the best ever thankfully. I am making a few handmade gifts--earrings, cookies, and cards.

    Happy holidays!

  3. Thanks for sharing these works, never heard of the artist before. Beautiful work. diamond earrings for women
