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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Tis the Season

by Staci L. Smith

Tis the season to be busy!  As I read Karen's post from yesterday, I thought, geez- I really am celebrating every moment I can.  EEEVVVVERY moment.  Like, where is all my time going? 
I am not complaining, its full of fun times.
However, I am just starting my handmade gifts, and feeling very behind in that regard.  All is good though, I think I have most of my weekend off to work on gifts.
We have had lots of snow here on the east coast as well- which delays things.  It's not even winter and it's snowed at least three times in the last two weeks.  It is simply beautiful though. Plus- having snow this week allowed me to sleep in on my birthday (two hour delay- YAY!) 
So it really is the season, and I have felt very blessed by friends and family already.  My kids love making gifts- here are some of my handmade birthday gifts they gave me!
This may be my favorite, because, where else could I get a robot ninja?

My youngest made me books for my reading pleasure..........

I didn't get to make any ornaments yet, and I usually like to.  Perhaps this weekend I can.
I have found some ladies who are totally on the ball, and made some killer handmade love this holiday.
Diana P of Suburban Girl Studio made these great ornaments for gifts. (by the way, she has some little charms for jewelry in her shop, like these ornaments- perfect for the season)
She even made homemade tags!  I love those sort of details,  I am so bad at them myself.
Heather Powers of Humblebeads, a endless source of creativity, made these ornaments, that could even be customized.  I love them!
Erin Praiz-Hintz of Tesori Travati made this as a gift for Heather- isn't it darling?
And Sue Kennedy of Sue Beads broke out the polymer to make this cute little guy!
I really like seeing everyone put their handmade bead and jewelry skills to use making something a little different then the norm.  This is a great way to make gifts for people whom may not wear jewelry!
Anyone else making ornaments for the Holidays?  Is it a tradition, or something new?  And what is your favorite medium?


1 comment:

  1. Such a nice surprise to see my ornament on your post, Miss Staci! I think my jewelry days got started with the handmade ornaments I have made every year. It feels so nice to be able to gift something with meaning to someone, something no one else will have! It makes a memory to smile back on every year. Best of luck to you in your crafting plans... I just started by making about 26 of those little owls like Sue made from Heather's awesome tutorial for my daughter to give as presents...tomorrow! I have a lot of finished to do tonight! Enjoy the day! Erin
