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Friday, December 27, 2013


                                         by Kelli Pope

'Twas just days after Christmas, and all through my place,
All creatures were tired, full, and moving at a slow pace.
The presents all opened, all good tidings shared,
Cookies delivered, under the tree it's quite bare.

Frisco and Chopper nestled all snug in their beds,
Visions of new rawhide dance merrily in their heads.
Steve's on the couch, feeling quite content too,
Finally, nowhere else to go, the holiday hustle bustle is through.

And me back to work, no time for a nap,
but at least there aren't more special orders to wrap.
I drag from bed late, tripping over Chopper with a clatter,
My hair all springy, looking like the mad hatter.

Away to the door, I fly like a flash,
Slid in the hall, and my knee I did bash.
When what to my wondering eyes should I see,
Steve with my coffee. As usual, taking care of me.

With his big handsome smile, so lively and quick,
"You're late, get moving", and gave me a li'l kick.
"No more bracelets, or chokers, or earrings to make,
Except for your job, you can take a break!"

Back to the office. Back to the grind.
I'd rather make more jewelry...........( Am I out of my mind?)
But I guess for now, it's time to sit back, 
Let sore hands relax, no metal to whack. 
For all too soon, it will be Spring show time again, 
and buckle down, crank-out-that-jewelry work shall begin. 

Hope you all had a WONDERFUL holiday season!!
Here's wishing you a Happy New Year!!
May 2014 bring you fantastic new handmade ideas!!