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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Simple Video....

MaryAnn Carroll
This has been a very busy weekend for me. Actually, my life started going into the blur zone once I went back to my full time job teaching in September. I am trying not to sound like a complainer, but when one thing blurs into the next, I know I am overdoing it. Thankfully, there are so many great people on LMAJ that the blog keeps on going without a hitch. Sometimes, I feel like I just don't get involved enough and it is not because I don't want to, it is just because, at this time (once again) in my life, I just have not been able to.

I thought I would take today to share a short little video on cold connections from Riogrande. There are many tutorials on their site that I think you will find very helpful.

Then, please join in on the "cold connection" boot camp if you haven't already. If you have, why not share even more?

I would also like to remind you to sign up for the Handmade Black Friday Preparation and Link Up.

This is a great way to have one place for all of us who sell handmade and are offering sales to make an easy to find spot for shoppers.

I haven't gotten to this yet because this weekend we have been busy with a show. It is a small show, but fun, nevertheless. Sales have been steady. We have been REALLY well fed, so I will probably leave their 10 pounds heavier that when I walked in on Friday! Ughhhhh!!!!

While I am at this show, I am trying to promote the idea of creating handmade with handmade, so I hope that you do as well. As artists, we really need to support each other.

Happy Sunday!


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