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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

setting rivets the easy way -

mary jane dodd

if rivets and tube rivets are something you use frequently but you'd like to save some time making them from scratch, there is a tool on the market that i have found to be quite useful.

this is the riveting system by crafted findings

one of the things i like about it is the versatility - in length of rivets, metals available and diameter of rivets. 

the rivets come in sterling, fine silver, brass and copper - 

rings & things provides this list of videos - they provide instruction and also show the different ways you can utilize the tool.

1 comment:

  1. At first glance I though - oh... another tool! But HOLY MOLY! After watching the first video - my brain completely flooded with ideas for projects that have just been floating around. Like a magnet pulling metal towards it!

