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Friday, November 8, 2013

Naked Beads

by Staci Louise Smith

disclaimer:  This post is for adults only for bead nudity content.
I don't know about you, but I love pictures of naked beads.  I absolutely love it - my dirty little secret is out! 

 Beads that Marsha Neal just posted on facebook got me thinking about my odd obsession with naked beads
I am not sure what it is.  Maybe it allows me to just see the silhouette, the basic nature and design, before the colors change how it appears.
Maybe I just like the anticipation of seeing where they take it.
Karen Totten of Starry Road Studio always shows us before photo's too.  Her textures are just wonderful with or without glaze
I don't know why, but, I know I enjoy it.  Even with my own polymer.
me- artisan accents- naked polymer

There is just something about naked beads!!!
and just when you think they can't get any better- they do.
(note: these are not the naked beads shown, just examples of  finished beads by the artists above)

some of marsha's finished beads
some of karens awesome glazes

some of my painted polymer

Maybe its the reveal, like surprise party?  Maybe its the transformation?  Maybe its the two completely different worlds they seem to be? 
Who cares why, right?  Just show me the naked beads. 


  1. Awesome post! I love naked beads too! Thank you for the shout-out!

  2. I love the naked bead pictures, too. I pay more attention to their shape and texture, and briefly imagine how I would paint/glaze them before I see what their artist did. Maybe a "decorate this component" design challenge is in order?

  3. These are luscious naked beads. I love color but the texture really stands out when they are naked!
