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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Polymer Art and Fun

by Staci L. Smith

While searching out sugar skulls on etsy, I ran into this lightswitch.  I just loved it.
(if you don't see a link please click the picture to go to the item on etsy)
I remember the days when polymer was new and we covered everything in it.  We, meaning my brother and me.  I used to embellish boxes, and use altoids containers, and jars and bottles and cover them in polymer canes.  Polymer has come so far, but somewhere along the way I lost that sense of play.  I have been so focused on jewelry and beads, I forgot the millions of things we can use this wonderful material for.  (well, maybe not forgot, but just didn't entertain the thought of it too long)  Imagine combining the techniques we have now that polymer has been around for awhile, with the play of the early days of polymer.
 So I searched out polymer art, to see what other people have done with it........and oh did some cool polymer art come up.
Here are some of my favorites.
2-d art 
Franken Owl Box
 Hopefully I will have some fun in the weeks to come with polymer.  I am feeling the pull for some playtime.  Did you dabble with polymer in the early days?  What did you make with it? 


  1. Absolutely love the album/book cover and the lightswitch cover. It's like leathah!

  2. Wow, it is really amazing to see all of the other things going on with Polymer other than beads and jewelry - eye opening. What gorgeous finds!
