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Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Pinterest. Either you love it or you just don't get it.
I am addicted. A couple posts ago  I spoke about where to get inspiration. I use Google Images tons, but lately I have been going to Pinterest.

If you haven't used it yet try it out. It is simply a way to search for ideas or things that spark your imagination and put them onto your "board". You can separate your boards to groups ie Food, Cleaning, Jewelry, Gardening to name just a few. 

If you get confused you can simply search how to set it up on the site. At first it can be confusing but really it is simple once you get started.

AND LMAJ has it's own page! There you can find all kinds of fun things to look at. Our tutorials, our artist pages, and a strut your stuff board.

If you haven't tried Pinterest I urge you to try it out. Let us know if you have any questions. 


  1. I just started with Pinterest and I do admit that once I log on it keeps my interest for a lot longer than I intended. I followed your boards!

  2. I hear you. I too get caught up with looking at others boards. I have found some really cool things!
