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Monday, October 28, 2013

Hold Your Fire: Cold Connections Boot Camp

by Staci L. Smith

The next Love my Art Jewelry Boot Camp is all about cold connections- no fire needed!
I know as a group we have touched on them here and there, but this month we will be showing you how to use micro-screws, rivets and tube rivets among other ways to connect your metals and create personalized projects for the upcoming holidays- bring on the mixed media!!! 
So check back next Monday for Karen's blog on micro-screws. 
Here is some of her mixed media work (she's pretty amazing!)

You can see more of her awesome creations here.
If you would like to plan ahead, the blog hop for Hold the Fire: Cold Connections will be December 16th.
Share you cold connection art works in our flickr group all through boot camp- with a description so we know what you did or learned.  We'd love to see what you make!


  1. Awesome. This is very timely for me. Just took a cold connection class and I'm ready to learn more - really interested in the micro screws and tube rivets. I've been wanting to learn how to attach mica sheets to metal for awhile and hopefully something covered in this boot camp will help me out.

  2. Yay, I'm so excited about this boot camp as I've been wanting to use those micro screws.

  3. Um... Your flickr page link takes me to an Ikea site.... I'd love to look at everyone's work when it's posted!

  4. I have riveted with the micro screws but can sure learn some new tips. And yes, I'd love to learn how to use/attach the mica sheets I bought ages ago. Thanks ladies, great Boot Camps this year....

  5. I undid the link ZOe- you should be able to use the flickr link on the sidebar of the blog (right side) to get to the group. sorry about that!

  6. Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait! You all put on such great boot camps.
