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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Book Review: Bead Soup

by Staci L. Smith

I was very blessed to receive a copy of Lori Andersons book, Bead Soup, to review. 
Wow.  I really enjoyed it.
I have participated in The bead soup blog party 3 times.  Each time was a wonderful experience, I met new people, and was challenged to move outside my comfort zone.  So opening this book, and reading about how Lori came up with this idea was awesome.  I love to know the history behind things, the inspiration for art.  This did not disappoint.  Just like Lori's blog, I felt like I was sitting down and chatting with her, so down to earth, and written from the heart.
Then I began to read through the book, what beautiful pictures. (my pictures of the book don't do the pictures justice!!)  Just like the Bead Soup Blog Party, it was fun to see each soup that was sent, and the project that was created from it. 
soup mix

finished project

There were many many great designs, in a wide variety of styles. No matter what you beading level, there is technique and inspiration a plenty.
It is written in a fun style of ingredients on recipe cards.  The titles are all named for soup too.  Great little details that I truly enjoyed.

The artists that picked the soups, as well as those who created projects, were all top notch.  The styles were varied and interesting.
I really enjoyed it.  Anyone who likes beads, and likes to see the inspiration and creativity of a piece of jewelry come together, will enjoy this book.
Thank you Lori, for writing a great book and sharing your party with all of us!  


  1. Thanks so much! The beads in the bowls were shot by Cindy Wimmer (whose own book just came out and is amazing).

  2. Thanks so much! The beads in the bowls were shot by Cindy Wimmer (whose own book just came out and is amazing).

  3. Thank YOU Lori. For bringing so many people together from far and wide. For having a vision and not being afraid to dive in and make it reality! the book is great!

  4. really brilliant - i have a great admiration for the work that lori does on behalf of so many people. the time and effort she dedicates to this is enormous. the book looks wonderful. i know that my experience has always been so positive. getting pushed outside of your comfort zone can yield amazing discoveries!

  5. Lori,
    Your Bead Soup has CHANGED my LIFE. In so many ways. I've gone down all kinds of new avenues and met new people as a result of this ONE experience. Much gratitude.
