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Monday, October 14, 2013

Animals need humans.....

NOW CLOSED.......... Thank-you for all who help to raise $1100 toward furnishing Mitzi's Room at the CNY SPCA. You can continue to help by going to either of these websites:
http://felinesnoozers.comWouldn't this be nice?

Of course it would..... if you are a cat.... or a shelter that depends on you to care for their animals.

They depend on us to help.....

The next two pictures were shared from Feline Snoozers.

 Washburn County Area Humane Society

Washburn County Area Humane Society

MaryAnn Carroll

If you are a jewelry lover and you happen to be an animal lover, this post might be for you. You could help the cats at our local CNY SPCA to refurnish their room.  The SPCA is the home to hundreds of cats. Some of those cats are super cat friendly as well as people friendly, so their time there is spent in a room called "Mitzi's Room."

This is my granddaughter Chloe, who is a cat lover like her Mom. She is not as big a fan of dogs, but was in her glory inside of Mitzi's Room.

The SPCA did have some cat furniture, but it was time to get rid of it! Now the cats are left with a large room, some furniture (mostly patio chairs) and are in need of something new.

There is a site called Feline Snoozers that makes cat furniture that is durable and easy to clean. They use PVC pipe to put it together. It is a much bigger version of the dog beds that the SPCA uses for their dogs.

My hope is to raise $1000. If you check out their link you can see that a set up like this could get very pricey.

If we don't raise enough to purchase something like this, my talented husband Bill did come up with a materials plan and we will make one similar ourselves (well, I will be the assistant).

We spent hours on this yesterday. I also spent hours going through my pre-artbead making stash. I priced all of them (fortunately, I organized prices years ago) and packaged them for a giveaway.  This group includes turquoise, faux coral, jasper, onyx, glass, vintage, copper, chrysocolla, fresh water pearls, cut glass, miscellaneous stones and much more. There will also be some surprise art beads included in the package.

There are over $500 worth of beads. If you would like a chance at winning these, it is $5 for 1 entry and $10 for 3 and so on. For example, $15 would give you 4 entries, $20 would give you 6.

Even if you are uninterested in winning the beads, a donation of $5 toward our project will help so much. If you cannot give that much, please just do what you can.

*added 10/16:

I have added an additional five giveaways to everyone who is entered in this drawing. These include my handmade wood-fired beads, handmade enamel beads and handmade porcelain beads. I will also include some of my handmade beads in the grand prize above.

enameled beads
wood-fired beads

wood-fired beads

wood-fired beads

porcelain beads

If you just want to donate and not be entered to win, please add a note letting me know. I will keep you posted with updates once we get the towers all set up! The drawing for these beads will be Sunday, October 20th. Please share this post with friends. The more I get, the more towers I will be purchasing. ALL money will go to this project.

Thanks so much :o)


  1. Cats are my first love, Mary Ann; I have two adopted from our local shelter and would love more. Beads are probably a close second LOL. Good luck with your wonderful project!

  2. I'm in to help these cute kitties. Kudos to you for doing something about this.


  3. Thank-you! I hope I can raise enough to give them everything that they need including lots of litter!

  4. What a great idea! Good luck :)

  5. The world needs more people like you...
    Here is my donation to this worthy cause...
    Thank you

  6. I'm a real dog person but I do not discriminate against cats. I have a big ole guy named Nosey who has been my buddy for years now. This setup looks like such a wonderful alternative to cat cages. What a great project! If I were working, I would donate more but I will donate today. AND will share on FB and Twitter so I hope some of my animal loving friends will donate also. Hey, your husband should sell his plans for that setup, or a smaller one for personal use. The guys might buy them and that could go in the pot.

  7. Thanks Everyone! Actually, I am a dog person too! I have three and no cats. I always had one or two cats, but after the last one passed, I decided my litter box days were over. Thank-you for sharing and thank-you for anything that anyone can give. I have offered five additional handmade bead giveaways for anyone entered. It is on our Facebook page if you want to see what is there :o)
