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Friday, August 2, 2013

My CRAZY life!!

                                                                               by Kelli Pope

This last week has been "CUH-RAZY", as my husband would say.  Between adjusting to a  new 4 day schedule at the office, 2 new babies in the family, and anxiety looming over 2 shows coming up Labor Day weekend, I have absolutely felt  CUH-RA-ZEEEEE!!!!     

Hope you'll forgive me for the randomness of this post.   I've completed NO jewelry, but did have a kiln opening, which FINALLY...........
(drum roll, please) produced the orange I've been trying to achieve!    

And awhile back, I purchased this book.  
I LOVE the way folded metal looks.   So finally, some experimenting with hammer and flame..  

but the most IMPORTANT part of this week...........

       My beautiful, bright eyed, great niece Maris, born on Monday.
 And my lovely granddaughter Lily, born Thursday morning. 
Big Sis, sure is happy!!!   

My cup runneth over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :o) 


  1. Congrats on your new additions! My first grandchild was born July 3rd. :)

  2. Congrats Erika!!! Thanks Diane!!!

  3. congratulations kelli! what wonderful news.
    and have fun with the fold forming - it is just incredible what one can do with metal

  4. Congratulations! What beautiful babies and beautiful work!
