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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Simple Sampler

At Sand Fibers, I have always tried to "Keep it simple, Silly!" Give me a choice between using ten colors in a design and using two, I will almost always (remember: never say never!) go with using two.   Life is complicated and challenging; I don't need my beading to be either to enjoy it.

When I was planning my book (which I have since unplanned, so don't go asking for a publication date), one of the points I wanted to illustrate was that one pattern could result in many different outcomes.  To that end, I designed my "Blackwork Sampler," inspired by some of the simpler motifs in blackwork embroidery.

This is simple, basic stuff, mind you...but look what happens when you bead up the same pattern in different-sized beads.  The original was done in size 10 Delica beads.  The one on the left was executed in size 11 Delica beads  (which is my "default" bead type and size) and the one on the right was beaded with size 8 Delica beads.

I would have beaded this up in size 15 Delica beads to further illustrate my point, but I can't locate my rather small stash of these super small beads. sigh.

With the sampler pattern as my guide, I was then able to bead up some soft bangles, using 8/o round Japanese seed beads.  (And yes, I have worn the whole bunch together.)

The possibilities for this sampler pattern are endless, limited only by the imagination and bead stash. Think of gold and jewel tones. Matte black with neon accents.  Do you see the possible flower pattern in the bangle on the right?  My book was going to be titled Pattern, Palette, Possibilities. I think I will just make that my motto now. ;)

Be well and get going!
Carol Dean


  1. It's amazing how much scale and color change things! I love the blue and white ones, especially - they look so fresh and cool.

  2. Scale and color are SO amazing! Thanks for giving us some great basic visuals to help with starting a project. I think reminders like this serve as a great mental door opener for better designs and possibilities! :)

  3. As always, thanks for the inspiration. I am currently working on a 2-drop odd count peyote bracelet that has a pattern that I designed myself. Hubby doesn't understand the excitement! ;-)

  4. Thanks for this post! Indeed, there are so many ways to work up a pattern!
    And I hope you start planning that book again, I bet it will be priceless!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous - love the textured effect of the patterns!

  6. These are so pretty. It is amazing how color and bead size creates such varied results.

    I'm not a seed beader, but each time I see something like this I'm tempted to find my needles and play with the seed beads.
