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Sunday, June 23, 2013

embracing change

mary jane dodd

'release' mjd 2013

releasing can be critical to your ability to rebound. 

metal work is shelved for me right now - 

so i decided to focus a bit
upon my use of fibers. 

a basket for wearing mjd 2013

to allow myself to explore things more fully
that i had wished to try before. 

soft summer whites mjd 2013

finding ways to make the knotting, weaving and threading 
from my youth
a bit more grown up.

grow mjd 2013

thinking of ways to make bits of this and that into something
a designer might like to work with

if you are attracted to using fibers in your work,
i encourage you to always think about the strength of your material
and how it will wear over time as it rubs against metal.
how it can support the weight of your pendant or other components.
i personally love using waxed irish linen thread 
for its strength and knotting abilities. 

if you're new to fibers and are looking for some inspiration, 
take a look at 
a book created around the use of fibers in jewelry. 

i think i speak for most of us when i say 
that making/creating/exploring is not just something 
we like to do, 
but something 
we have to do.

if you find your life turned upside down, 
be open to new ways
of expressing yourself.
then give yourself permission
to sink into them. 

not only will you be learning
a new skill,
but you will begin to heal
in ways
that modern medicine cannot fix you.
it will be the balm 
that soothes your spirit. 


for the winner of the giveaway please check the sidebar!


  1. I admire your willingness to embrace change. I was raised in a strict household where everything was already spelled out for us, what we ate, what we said, who we hung around with and even how many miles we drove or the number of phone calls, and so much more. It's so difficult to learn to embrace change when change was never embraced in the first place.

    Your pieces are so beautiful, and I love that leather pendant!

  2. It's so nice to see some of your lovely new work.

  3. Thanks for the great suggestion and inspiration. I'm finding that folks can't get enough components these days and putting myself to the task of creating new and unusual pieces for other designers is a worthy endeavor for my creativity as well as a seemingly more fruitful way to sell lately as opposed to making jewelry.
    Good points about strength and durability. Thanks for your post.
    I'm glad you're finding a creative diversion to the metals as you are healing.

  4. I love your new designs and your desire to embrace the change thrown your doesn't always go as we planned...I know that all to well...having gone through double hip replacement and a broken neck & an almost entirely fused spine before just took me on a different path...thought I would have opened my own restaurant instead I design jewelry and have met so many amazing people that have become such good friends and inspired me along the of them being you <3...what you are doing will help a lot...keeping your focus and creativity thoughts are with you and I send healing vibes your way....hugs...xox

  5. Listen and the Universe will whisper softly in your ear. xxxooo

  6. Love where you are going with your fiber work...I bet lots of artists would love to incorporate your work...blessings to you....

  7. MJD - great stuff - making old skills new again. Go well. B

  8. Just saw this. You are amazing ...... Beautiful
