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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Creative Business Resource: Blacksburg Belle

Have you ever stumbled onto a blog or site where you just say "YES!!!" to just about everything?
Well - I came across April from Blacksburg Belle just over 2 years ago (and I'm still saying Yes!!!).
April Bowles-Olin of Blacksburg Belle
If you are creative and want to take your business to the next level or need a refresher and direction for your handmade business - you should check out her website and even consider signing up for a few of her online classes or tutorials. She offers to the point, get off your tush and focus type of advice for the creative person. Here is a taste of some of her business freebies!

So as I am personally sitting here facing another period of creative burnout (seems to come around at least once a year) - I'm going to accept that it is ok to take a break, spend time with family, and then get some lists written out and priorities into place. I plan on going back to April's site as a reference to getting my business aspects cleaned up to reflect a pulled together creative self, which - by fall - should be nearing completion.

I hope that you find her site as helpful and inspirational as I have. And that there are so many other creative people out there that struggle with finding balance in life just as I do - all in our own ways.

Make sure to add her blog to your Blog Reads (I use BlogLovin) or sign up for her email newsletter - or better yet, to make sure you get everything - BOTH!
Blacksburg Belle Recipe Post: Vegan and Gluten Free

And if you are either Vegan or Gluten Free (or have friends that are, and want to impress them with some yummy home made treats the next time they visit) - she has awesome posts for recipes!

Thank You April for being so AWESOME and giving us pointers for keeping us on track!


  1. Thanks for sharing her! I will definitely check out what she has to see. I agree that sometimes you just need a break. It helps keep everything in balance.

  2. You're welcome MaryAnn. I will often chat with people about the business end of things and get that deer in the headlight look... Then I say - oh, just go check out Blacksburg Belle when you have the time and effort to get your creative business on track.

    I need to brush up on all my business outlets. I feel like my efforts are bunch of split ends in nasty humidity that need a good trimming and a smoothing over.
