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Friday, May 17, 2013

My Favorite Inspirational Artists: Lynne Merchant

I have been making jewelry in wire and sheet metal now for about 7 years. Where does the time go?

But I wanted to quickly share a video with you that shows off the work and skill of an amazing wire artist, Lynne Merchant.

I remember quite clearly the excitement I felt when I first saw her work in a magazine article. Her work embodies a particular feel that I resonate strongly with and her story is every bit as interesting as her work. As a matter of fact, her work and her life experiences as a nomadic traveler were both very instrumental in influencing the way that I currently live my own life.

Her website has a wonderful page that links you do all the articles she has been the subject of, and this video is a treat for anyone interested in handmade jewelry as well. I love how she interacts with wire and has full presence with her jewelry practice.

I think her method of using jewelry making as a vehicle to explore her own being is what I admire the most about her. She has a personal integrity that is reflected by the way she teaches and in the final result of her astoundingly creative work.



  1. I was fortunate to take a couple classes from Lynne back when B&B was held in Portland. She is a very generous teacher. She taught us how to hold our tools and use them for a lifetime of work. She wanted to make sure we didn't end up injured, and also created beautiful finished work. It was her class that ingrained in me the neat finishes and wraps that I do. It's very difficult for me to do one of those messy bird's nest wraps. lol! Glad to see her highlighted here. She's a legend and people like Connie Fox and Sherilyn Miller got their start after studying with her.

  2. Yes, Lynne is truly the pioneer of perfect wire work. It is evident in the work of those students she mentored who were fortunate to take her classes many years ago. It’s sad that her fundamentals have been lost in some of the work you see and is taught today.

    Just watching the video says it all. Thank you Lynne. Think I’ll go make some spirals - the correct way.

    Stacie, thanks for sharing this today.

  3. Janet...what a treat to have learned by her hand!! thank you for sharing your own experience!!

  4. I love watching her - thanks for sharing this video! A friend of mine used to teach w/her in California, awesome would that be?! To take a class from her would have been awesome!!

  5. Lynne still teaches in her Solana Beach store. For those who still wish to learn from her.
