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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Little Beads in a BIG oven......

MaryAnn Carroll
A few times a year I am fortunate enough to be able to be a part of my husband Bill's wood-firing. He rebuilt his smaller kiln during the early part of his retirement from teaching art in the Syracuse City School District for 33 years. As you can see the kiln is quite large. It is small in comparison to others, however, as this type of firing usually involves groups of individuals. You can see by going to this map created by Simon Levin how few there are in the world. If you click around on the map, I am sure you will see why having the opportunity to fire my small little beads in such a process is a gift!

My beads are on racks behind the first stack. As you can see, these kilns were not built for tiny little beads. Bill's kiln is actually smaller in comparison to many.

Here's a little peek at some beads while cooling.....

 More shots taken through some "viewing" holes while cooling.....

And here they are all cooled off....


These are quite large. I was worried that they would weigh the bead wires down while firing, but they did not.....



And.... some of his favorites....

And.... as always.... Thank-you for supporting artists who create handmade with handmade. MaryAnn


  1. Gorgeous, as always!!!! Will that beautiful pendant with the flowers be for sale?? ;)

  2. Your beads-and your husband's work as well-is gorgeous! That is an amazing kiln!

  3. Actually.... it is REALLY large and I made it to make a long necklace for myself..... sorry :( I have gotten into hoarding lately..... lol!

  4. Hahaha don't blame you. Its gorgeous!!!!!!!
