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Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Circle of Life.....

It's been one of those times in life where new chapters are started and others have finished. A couple of weeks ago on April 12th, my father-in-law passed at the age of 93. He had suffered with Parkinson's Disease since he was in his 50's. The past ten years were his worst and my mother-in-law cared for him right until the end. I came into the family eight years ago, so I did not have the pleasure of knowing Ed in his healthier years. Even with his illness, however, I got to know him as a kind quiet man. When he did have something to say, it almost always was sharing his quick wit and sense of humor. He will be missed.

And, just Friday, I was blessed with our 4th grandchild. Little Adelina (Addy) came into the world on April 28th weighing a healthy 8.96 lbs.. She is the first for my youngest child Theresa. Being part of her delivery was an experience that I will never forget.
She is precious.....

Welcome to the world, Addy!

So.... nothing about jewelry or beads today. I am staying home and am going to try to catch up and get back into my routine.

On a completely different note, I have posted the winner of the gorgeous pendant donated by our own Carol Dean Sharpe. Congratulations to Kathy Lindemer!!

Sorry for the delay in getting that up there......



  1. So sorry for your family's loss...but oh my goodness...look at that glorious head of hair on that adorable little munchkin!n congrats and enjoy!

  2. So sorry about your father-in-law. Congratulations on your beautiful granddaughter! ;)

  3. I send my condolences on the death of your Father-in-Law and many congratulations on the birth of your newest grandchild. She is beautiful!

  4. So sorry for the loss of your father-in-law. Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter. She is beautiful!

  5. Oh MaryAnn, your post has touched me so much, in particular how I have been reflecting so much on this subject so much. I too lost my father-in-law on the 12th and my great-niece was born a week later. Incredible how life is. x

  6. Thank-you, everyone for all of the kind words. I am always reminding myself and my grown children that life is short so make the most of the time that you have. Congrats on the new great niece, Caron! If it is your first, you will find it amazing how wonderful they are. Now, that I don't the responsibility for the day in and day out everyday responsibility, I can just enjoy them. I am getting my three older ones 2 1/2, 3 and 5 1/2 for the weekend. I love taking them places and not feeling like I have a million things that I HAVE to do...... if that makes sense :o)

  7. So sorry about your loss. Please hug Bill for me.
    Addy is gorgeous! Congrats, Nonnie!!! :o)
    Our 2nd is due in July!! Hard to believe Makenna is already 3. The older we get, the quicker time flies by........sigh....

  8. I've been away for two weeks and have missed so much very sorry for your recent loss...he sounds like he was a very nice man! And then, on the other hand, new life emerges to take our collective breath away...blessing to you and your family...xo!
